- TIGGE Museum
The museum includes a set of scripts to download TIGGE data, and plot it (using GrADS ) in file TIGGE_sample.tar.gz - available directly from here. - Cyclone XML tools
Tools for use with Cyclone XML data are available from the CAWCR CXML website. - NCAR Tools:
The NCAR Command Language (NCL) is a free interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data processing and visualization. NCL has robust file input and output with support for NetCDF, HDF, GRIB-1 and GRIB-2 file formats, including support for all published TIGGE GRIB-2 parameters.
NCL is provided with a couple of useful command line tools:- ncl_filedump - prints the contents of supported files in a netCDF-like view.
- ncl_convert2nc - converts one or more files in any of the supported formats to netCDF formatted files.
- PyNGL and PyNIO provide a Python interface to most of the NCL tools and its functionality, with an emphasis on high quality 2D visualizations. PyNIO, in particular supports TIGGE GRIB-2 with the functionality provided by NCL.
Model EvaluationTools (MET) is a suite of software utilities designed by NCAR Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) to the provide the capability to validate model forecasts using observational data.