paramId | shortName | name | units | GRIB edition | Component | Test data available | Dissemination | Proposed for Catalogue |
260109 | ceil | Ceiling: cloud-base height relative to the ground | m | 1 | HRES / ENS | | TBC | TBC |
228046 | hcct | Height of convective cloud top | m | 1 | HRES / ENS | | TBC | TBC |
228047 | hwbt0 | Height of zero-degree wet-bulb temperature | m | 1 | HRES / ENS | | TBC | TBC |
228048 | hwbt1 | Height of one-degree wet-bulb temperature | m | 1 | HRES / ENS | | TBC | TBC |
47 | drsp | Direct solar radiation incident on a plane perpendicular to the sun's direction | JW/m2 | 1 | HRES / ENS | | TBC | TBC |
140112 | wefxm | Wave energy flux magnitude | W/m | 1 | HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW | | TBC | TBC |
140113 | wefxd | Wave energy flux mean direction | Degree true | 1 | HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW | | TBC | TBC |
140114 | h1012 | Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 10 to 12 seconds | m | 1 | HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW | | TBC | TBC |
140115 | h1214 | Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from12 to 14 seconds | m | 1 | HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW | | TBC | TBC |
140116 | h1417 | Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 14 to 17 seconds | m | 1 | HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW | | TBC | TBC |
140117 | h1721 | Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 17 to 21 seconds | m | 1 | HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW | | TBC | TBC |
140118 | h2125 | Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 21 to 25 seconds | m | 1 | HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW | | TBC | TBC |
140119 | h2530 | Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 25 to 30 seconds | m | 1 | HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW | | TBC | TBC |