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titleData Assimilation





titleIntroduction. Operational and research activities at ECMWF now/in the future

In this lecture we will give you a brief history of ECMWF and present the main areas of NWP research that is currently being carried out in the centre. We then look at current research challenges and present some of the latest developments that will soon become operational.

By the end of the lecture you should be able to:

  • List the main research areas at ECMWF and describe the latest model developments.

Erland Källén, Sarah Keeley

titleAssimilation Algorithms: (2) 3D-Var


Mike Fisher




titleAssimilation Algorithms: (3) 4D-Var


Mike Fisher


titleData Assimilation Diagnostics: Forecast Sensitivity


Carla Cardinali - Lecture will be given by Andras Horanyi

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titleParameterization and Data Assimilation

This one-hour lecture will identify the challenges associated with the use of physical parametrizations in the context of four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var). The importance of the linearity constraint in 4D-Var and the methods to address it will be detailed. The set of linearized physical parametrizations used at ECMWF will be briefly presented. Examples of the use of physical parametrizations in variational data assimilation and its impact on forecast quality will be given.

By the end of the lecture, the students should be able:

  • to tell why physical parametrizations are needed in data assimilation.
  • to recognize the importance of the regularization of the linearized code

Philippe Lopez

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titleAssimilation Algorithms (1): Basic Concepts




Mike Fisher

titleLand Data Assimilation - Soil moisture

The aim of these sessions is to understand the role of land surface data assimilation on medium range weather forecasts.

We will give an overview of the different approaches used to assimilate land surface data and to initialise model variables in NWP.  We will  present the current observing systems and describe the land data assimilation structure within ECMWF system.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • identify the different observations used for snow and soil moisture data assimilation
  • define land surface data assimilation approaches used for NWP
  • describe the role of land surface data assimilation on medium-range weather forecasts

Patricia de Rosnay

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titleEnsemble of Data Assimilations and uncertainty estimation

The Ensemble of Data Assimilations (EDA) technique is used for the estimation of the analysis and background errors of the ECMWF assimilation system. This lecture describes the EDA formulation and implementation, and how it interacts with ECMWF 4DVar analysis and ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System.

By the end of the lecture the participants should be able to:

  • Describe the theoretical basis and practical implementation of the EDA
  • Explain the use of the EDA in the ECMWF analysis and ensemble prediction systems

Massimo Bonavita



titleAnalysis of Satellite Data

The primary purpose of this lecture is explore the implications of the fact that satellites can only measure radiation at the top of the atmosphere and do not measure the geophysical variables we require for NWP (e.g. temperature, humidity and wind). The link between the atmospheric variables and the measured radiances is the radiative transfer equation - the key elements of which are discussed. It is shown how - with careful frequency selection - satellite measurements can be made for which the relationship to geophysical variables is greatly simplified. Despite these simplifications, it is shown that the extraction of detailed profile information from downward looking radiance measurements is a formally ill posed inverse problem.

Data assimilation is introduced as the solution to this inverse problem, where background information and satellite observations are combined to produce a best or optimal estimate of the atmospheric state. The main elements of the assimilation scheme (such as the chain of observation operators for radiances) and its key statistical inputs are examined. In particular it is shown that incorrect specification of observation errors (R) and background errors (B) can severely limit the successful exploitation of satellite data.

By the end of this lecture you will:

  • understand exactly what a satellite actually measures (radiance)
  • appreciate the complex relationship between what is measured and what we wish to know for NWP
  • how information is extracted from satellite measurements in data assimilation

Tony McNally

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nameDA_TC_satellite.pptpageNWP Training Material 2016

titleOcean Data Assimilation

This lecture provides an overview of a typical ocean data assimilation system for initialization and re-analyses application. The lecture uses as an example the ECMWF ocean data assimilation system, which is based the NEMOVAR (3Dvar FGAT). This will be used to discuss design of the assimilation cycle, formulation of error covariances, observations assimilated and evaluation procedure, among others.

By the end of the lecture students should be able to:

  • describe the different components involved in a an ocean data assimilation system
  • list the commonalities and and differences between ocean and atmosphere data assimilation
  • describe the basics of the physical ocean observing system
  • explain the essential multivariate relationships between ocean variables
  • identify the limitations of the existing systems.

Magdalena Alonso-Balmaseda

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titleThe Global Observing System

The aim of this session is to present an overview of the current observing systems used in Numerical Weather Prediction. We will discuss our observational requirement, and how close the current observing system is to meeting our needs. We will also discuss areas where our requirements are evolving. We will learn about WMO's OSCAR database that describes the Global Observing System. We will learn how the large diversity of observations now available, are monitored to ensure only good observations are presented to an operational system.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • be able to describe the main types of observations used in data assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction;
  • be aware of how large volumes of observations are exchanged, implemented and monitored in operational systems;
  • be aware of WMO's OSCAR database, how to access it and what type of information it can provide.

Steve English

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nameGlobalObservingSystem.pptxpageNWP Training Material 2016

titleBackground error modeling and non-Gaussian aspects of data assimilation

The background error is central to the performance of the analysis system and tells how much confidence to put in the best available forecast which is to be updated with new observations. The lecture will review how background errors are estimated and represented for current variational algorithms.


Elias Holm

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nameBGErr_lecture_2016.pptpageNWP Training Material 2016

titleEnsemble Kalman filters

The aim of this lecture is to introduce the concept of the EnKF in the context of atmospheric data assimilation. Strengths and weaknesses of the algorithm will be discussed and results of the ECMWF implementation will be presented.

By the end of the lecture the participants should be able to:

•    Describe the basic EnKF algorithm and its connections with    the Kalman Filter;

•    Discuss some of the advantages and the limitations of EnKF algorithms with respect to more established variational algorithms;

•    Be aware of recent developments in hybrid variational-EnKF data assimilation

Massimo Bonavita



titleModel error

In this lecture, the impact of model error on variational data assimilation will be presented. This lecture will introduce weak-constraint 4D-Var as a way to account for model error in the data assimilation process. Several examples of results from simplified implementations in the IFS will be shown.

By the end of the lecture the participants should be able to:

  • describe the impact of model error on the data assimilation process,
  • explain the difficulties in properly accounting for model error in data assimilation.

Yannick Tremolet - Lecture will be given by Mike Fisher




titleData Assimilation of Atmospheric Composition

At ECMWF atmospheric composition data are assimilated into the IFS as part of the MACC-II project. On a global scale, atmospheric composition represents the full state of the global atmosphere covering phenomena such as desert dust plumes, long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants or ash plumes from volcanic eruptions, but also variations and long-term changes in the background concentrations of greenhouse gases.

The aim of this lecture is to give an overview of the work that is carried out at ECMWF regarding the assimilation of atmospheric composition data, and to address why this is of interest and which special challenges are faced when assimilating atmospheric composition data.

By the end of the session you should:

  • have some understanding of the work carried out at ECMWF to assimilate data of atmospheric composition

Antje Inness

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titleAspects of using observations in data assimilation


Lars Isaksen

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titleBias Correction

In this lecture the variational bias correction scheme (VarBC) as used at ECMWF is explained. VarBC replaced the tedious job of estimating observation bias off-line for each satellite instrument or in-situ network by an automatic self-adaptive system. This is achieved by making the bias estimation an integral part of the ECMWF variational data assimilation system, where now both the initial model state and observation bias estimates are updated simultaneously.

By the end of the session you should be able to realize that:

  • many observations are biased, and that the characteristics of bias varies widely between types of instruments
  • separation between model bias and observation bias is often difficult
  • the success of an adaptive system implicitly relies on a redundancy in the underlying observing system.

Dick Dee

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nameDee_2016_TC_BiasCorrection.pptxpageNWP Training Material 2016

Toy Model Practice Session (1) 

Mike Fisher, Yannick Tremolet, Martin Leutbecher



titleTangent Linear and Adjoints

The goal of this lecture is to familiarise the student with the notion of tangent linear and adjoint models, and their use in variational data assimilation.  A general overview of the current use of tangent linear and adjoint models in the ECMWF system will also be provided. Theoretical definitions and practical examples of tangent liner and adjoint models will be given. The student will be invited to work some simple tangent linear and adjoint derivations together with the instructor. A brief introduction to automatic differentiation software will also be given./

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • define what tangent linear and adjoint models are
  • derive tangent linear and adjoint equations for a simple nonlinear equation
  • describe the use of tangent linear and adjoint codes within the ECMWF's 4D-VAR system.

Angela Benedetti


Toy Model Practice Session (1) 

Mike Fisher, Yannick Tremolet, Martin Leutbecher



titleTangent Linear and Adjoints

The goal of this lecture is to familiarise the student with the notion of tangent linear and adjoint models, and their use in variational data assimilation.  A general overview of the current use of tangent linear and adjoint models in the ECMWF system will also be provided. Theoretical definitions and practical examples of tangent liner and adjoint models will be given. The student will be invited to work some simple tangent linear and adjoint derivations together with the instructor. A brief introduction to automatic differentiation software will also be given./

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • define what tangent linear and adjoint models are
  • derive tangent linear and adjoint equations for a simple nonlinear equation
  • describe the use of tangent linear and adjoint codes within the ECMWF's 4D-VAR system.

Angela Benedetti


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The aim of this session is to understand how data assimilation can improve our knowledge of past weather over long time-scales. We will present recent advances that help capture changes over time in observing system networks, and project this variation in information content into uncertainty estimates of the reanalysis products. We will also discuss the applications of reanalysis, which generally put weather events into the climate context.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • explain what are the goals of data assimilation in a reanalysis data assimilation system
  • list the key aspects that require particular attention in reanalysis, as compared to numerical weather prediction
  • describe the most common problems in reanalysis products

Patrick Laloyaux


titleLand Data Analysis System - screen level parameters and snow

The aim of these sessions is to understand the role of land surface data assimilation on medium range weather forecasts.

We will give an overview of the different approaches used to assimilate land surface data and to initialise model variables in NWP.  We will  present the current observing systems and describe the land data assimilation structure within ECMWF system.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • identify the different observations used for snow and soil moisture data assimilation
  • define land surface data assimilation approaches used for NWP
  • describe the role of land surface data assimilation on medium-range weather forecasts

Patricia de Rosnay

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nameLand_data_assimilation_2016_part1.pptxpageNWP Training Material 2016

Followed by drinks reception and poster session

titleQuality Control of observations

A single observation can under some conditions undermine the quality of a global analyses. The lecture will go through methods used to make the analysis more robust against oulier or wrong observations, with focus on variational quality control.

Elias Holm

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nameVarQC_lecture.pptxpageNWP Training Material 2016


Toy Model Practice Session (2)

Mike Fisher, Yannick Tremolet, Martin Leutbecher


Tangent linear and adjoint practical session

Angela Benedetti

Toy Model Practice Session (2)

Mike Fisher, Yannick Tremolet, Martin Leutbecher


Tangent linear and adjoint practical session

Angela Benedetti

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nameTraining_course_2016_AD_handson.pptxpageNWP Training Material 2016

Question/answer session
Elias Holm, Lars Isaksen, Tony McNally, Mike Fisher

Course evaluation 16:-16:30

Sarah Keeley


titlePredictability and ocean-atmosphere ensembles




Introduction to the course

with Computer Hall tour

titleInitial uncertainties in the medium-range ENS (2)

In this session the generation of the perturbed initial condition of the ECMWF ensemble will be presented. We will discuss the ratio behind using singular vectors in the ensemble and how they are calculated. Then it will be explained how the singular vectors are combined with perturbations from the ensemble of data assimilations to construct the perturbations for the ensemble.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • explain the idea behind using singular vectors in the ensemble

  • describe how singular vectors are calculated

  • describe the construction of the ensemble perturbations

titleEnsemble data assimilation

The aim of this session is to introduce the ECMWF ensemble of data assimilation (EDA). The rationale and methodology of the EDA will be illustrated, and its use in to simulate initial uncertainties in the ECMWF ensemble prediction system (ENS) will be presented.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • know what is the ECMWF EDA

  • illustrate how the EDA is used to simulate initial uncertainty in ensemble prediction

  • understand the main differences between singular vectors and EDA-based perturbations

Roberto Buizza


titleEnsemble verification (2)

Abstract: The lectures introduce methods of ensemble verification. They cover the verification of discrete forecasts (e.g. dry/wet) and continuous scalar forecasts (e.g. temperature). Various scores such as the Brier score and the continuous ranked probability score are introduced.

After the lectures you should be able to

  • explain what a reliable probabilistic forecast is and how to measure reliability

  • understand why resolution and sharpness of a probabilistic forecast matter

  • compute several of the standard verification metrics used for ensemble forecasts

Martin Leutbecher




titleCoupled ocean-atmosphere variability
This lecture provides a broad overview of the role of the ocean on the predictability and prediction of weather and climate. It introduces some basic phenomena needed to to understand the time scales and nature of the ocean-atmosphere coupling.


Magdalena Balmaseda


titleInitializaton techniques in seasonal forecasting



Magdalena Balmaseda


titleIntroduction to Chaos

 The aim of this session is to introduce the idea of chaos.  We will discuss the implications this has for numerical weather prediction.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • describe what limits the predictability of the atmosphere
  • understand the need for probabilistic forecasting

Sarah Keeley


titleApproaches to ensemble prediction/TIGGE

The aim of this session is to illustrate the key characteristic of the nine operational global, medium-range ensemble systems. These are the ensembles available also within the TIGGE (Thorpex Interactive Grand Global Ensemble) project data-base. Similarity and differences in the approaches followed to simulate the sources of forecast uncertainties will be discussed, and their relevance for forecast performance will be illustrated.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • illustrate the main similarities and differences of the 9 TIGGE global ensembles

  • link the performance differences of TIGGE ensemble to their design

  • describe the main differences between singular vectors and EDA-based perturbations


Roberto Buizza


titleWeather regimes


Franco Molteni


titleCoupled ocean-atmosphere variability - MJO

Frederic Vitart



titleThe monthly forecast system at ECMWF
The aim of this session is to provide a general overview of monthly forecasting at ECMWF. We will review the main sources of predictability for the sub-seasonal time scale, including the Madden Julian Oscillation, sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs), land initial conditions and  their simulation by the coupled IFS-NEMO system. The skill of the ECMWF operational monthly forecasts
will also be discussed.

By the end of the session you should be able to: 
  •   List the different sources of predictability for extended-range forecasts 
  •   Describe the operational system used to produce the ECMWF monthly forecasts 
  •   Assess the skill of the monthly forecasting system

Frederic Vitart


titleSources of uncertainty

The aim of this session is to introduce the main sources of uncertainty that lead to forecast errors. The weather prediction problem will be discussed, and stated it in terms of an appropriate probability density function (PDF). The concept of ensemble prediction based on a finite number of integration will be introduced, and the reason why it is to be the only feasible method to predict the PDF beyond the range of linear growth will be illustrated.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • explain which are the main sources of forecast error

  • illustrate why numerical prediction should be stated in probabilistic terms

  • describe the rationale behind ensemble prediction

Roberto Buizza


titleEnsemble verification (1)

Abstract: The lectures introduce methods of ensemble verification. They cover the verification of discrete forecasts (e.g. dry/wet) and continuous scalar forecasts (e.g. temperature). Various scores such as the Brier score and the continuous ranked probability score are introduced.

After the lectures you should be able to

  • explain what a reliable probabilistic forecast is and how to measure reliability

  • understand why resolution and sharpness of a probabilistic forecast matter

  • compute several of the standard verification metrics used for ensemble forecasts

Martin Leutbecher



titleClustering techniques and their applications

The aim of this session is to understand the ECMWF clustering products.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • explain how the cluster analysis works
  • use the ECMWF clustering products


Laura Ferranti


titleDiagnostics (2)
Increasing observation volumes and model complexity, decreasing errors, and a growing desire for
uncertainty information, all necessitate developments in our diagnostic tools. The aim of these
lectures is to discuss some of these tools, the dynamical insight behind them, and the residual
deficiencies that they are highlighting.

By the end of the lectures you should be aware of:
  •   Some of the key weakness of the ECMWF forecast system 
  •   Some of the diagnostic tools used to identify and understand these weaknesses


Mark Rodwell


titleThe seasonal forecast system at ECMWF

This lecture covers the essentials of building a numerical seasonal forecast system, as exemplified by the present prediction system at ECMWF.


  By the end of this lecture, you should be able to:

  • explain the scientific basis of seasonal forecast systems
  • describe in outline ECMWF System 4 and its forecast performance
  • discuss the critical factors in further improving forecast systems

Tim Stockdale




titleSources of predictability beyond the deterministic limit

The aim of this session is to understand how we are able to provide forecasts at long time horizons given the chaotic nature of the atmosphere.

After this session you should be able to:

  • describe the Lorenz idea of Predictability of the first and second kind
  • list examples of the elements of the Earth system that provide predictability on longer timescales
  • understand the type of forecast that we are able to provide beyond the deterministic limit

Sarah Keeley



titleUsing stochastic physics to represent model error
  • explain the physical and practical motivations for using stochastic physics in an ensemble forecast;

  • describe the two stochastic parameterization schemes used in the IFS ensemble, and their respective purposes;

  • be able to identify the improvement in forecasting skill from the inclusion of stochastic physics.

Sarah-Jane Lock



titleDiagnostics (1)
Increasing observation volumes and model complexity, decreasing errors, and a growing desire for
uncertainty information, all necessitate developments in our diagnostic tools. The aim of these
lectures is to discuss some of these tools, the dynamical insight behind them, and the residual
deficiencies that they are highlighting.

By the end of the lectures you should be aware of:
  •   Some of the key weakness of the ECMWF forecast system 
  •   Some of the diagnostic tools used to identify and understand these weaknesses

Mark Rodwell


titlePost-processing of ensemble forecasts

This lecture gives an overview of ensemble and post-processing and calibration techniques. The presentation is made from the medium-range forecast perspective. The (relative) benefits of calibration and multi-model combination for medium-range forecasting are also discussed.


  By the end of this lecture, you should be able to:

  • describe a wide range of possible calibration methods for ensemble systems
  • explain which methods are suitable in which circumstances
  • discuss the merits of calibration and multi-model combination


Tim Stockdale


2.45pm Discussion Session in the Weather Room

titleLatest forecasts

The latest medium, monthly and seasonal forecasts will be discussed in terms of out look and performance.

This is a combined event with the weekly weather discussion that ECMWF staff attend.

titleInitial uncertainties in the medium-range ENS (1)
The aim of the this lecture is to discuss basic concepts behind initial perturbation techniques.
After the lecture you should be able to:
  •   Understand the difference between singular vectors and breeding (ETKF) vectors 
  •   Explain why pure random perturbations do not work

Linus Magnusson


titleStratospheric impacts


Ted Shepherd




Practice Session:


titleLorenz '95 model

You get the opportunity to experiment yourself with an ensemble prediction system for a chaotic low-dimensional dynamical system introduced by Edward Lorenz in 1995. Experiments permit to study the role of the initial condition perturbations and the representation of model uncertainties. Various metrics introduced in the ensemble verification lectures will be applied in this session.


After the practice session, you will be able to use the toy model as an educational tool.


Martin Leutbecher


Practice Session:

Ensemble Verification

Linus Magnusson/Sarah Keeley



Understanding Ensembles Practical




5.15 Poster session and ice breaker

Lecture and Practice Session:

titleApplication of ENS: Flood

Abstract: The lecture is a short introduction to operational hydrological ensemble prediction systems, with focus on flooding. The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) is described. The lecture also contains a short interactive exercise in decision making under uncertainty using prbabilistic forecasts as an example.

By the end of the session you should be able to:

  • Describe the components in hydrological ensemble prediction systems (HEPS).

  • Describe the major sources of uncertainty in HEPS and how they can be reduced.

  • Explain the difficulties in using probabilistic flood forecasts in decision making.

Fredrik Wetterhall


Practical extensionPractical extension