- centre (4-characters string) is the WMO identifier of the originating centre (ammc, cwao, ecmf, edzw, egrr, kwbc, lfpw, rjtd, rksl, rums etc);
model_id (a string not containing a comma or vertical bar) is free model identifier assigned by the originating centre (to distinguish between potentially different models provided by the centre);
- yyyymm is the month of the mean, where yyyy is the year and mm is the month (01-12);
- time is the validity time (in hours UTC) of the forecasts verified;
- forecast_step is the length of the forecast (in hours);
- station_id (a number) is the WMO ID of the observation station verifying the forecasts;
- latitude is the latitude of the observation station verifying the forecasts;
- longitude is the longitude of the observation station verifying the forecasts;
- model_grid_latitude is the latitude of the model grid point used to extract the forecast at the observation location (*);
- model_grid_longitude is the longitude of the model grid point used to extract the forecast at the observation location (*);
- station_elevation is the elevation of the observation station above the mean sea level in meters;
- model_orography_elevation is the elevation of the model orography at the observation location (*);
- parameter is the verified model output parameter:
Include Page
List of parameters List of parameters
- score is the name of the verification score or statistic: