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How does the timing and distribution of the precipitation from the forecast compare to the observations shown in the paper by Pantillon? |
Suggested plots for discussion
The following is a list of parameters and plots that might be useful to produce for later group discussion. Choose a few plots and use both the HRES forecast and the analyses.
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Horizontal maps (analysis + forecast) :.
2 : MSLP + relative humidity at 700hPa + 850 absolute vorticity --> Signatures at low levels of Nadine and disturbance associated with the cutoff low. Mid level humidity of the systems.
3 : Equivalent potential temperature at 850 hPa + winds at 850 hPa + vertical velocity at 600hPa + MSLP in background --> focussing on the moist and warm air in the lower levels and the vertival motion. There should not be a strong horizontal temperature gradient around Nadine, the winds should be stronger for Nadine than for the cutoff.