As text is typed into the search bar, the results of the search are updated almost immediately (but see Large file mode, below).
Once a remote file has been transferred and viewed, it will be cached locally to speed up future access. To get the latest version of a job's output, see Reload, below.
Job output
The job output tab has some additional functionality over the others, described in the following sub-sections.
Beneath the output file is a list of files available for that node; select a file to view its contents. The one file defined by ECF_JOBOUT
is considered to be the the current one, and will be selected by default . It and is highlighted in the file list. Select a file to view its contentsIf ECF_TRYNO
is 0 then the task is not currently running and hence there is no current output file; in this case the viewer will be empty until you select one of the files from the list.
Detailed file information
Since there can be several steps to retrieving an output file, this information is made available by clicking on the Information button in the toolbar.
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Click the Reload button to obtain the latest version of the job output file. Note that these files can become very large, and can take some time to transfer across a network if they are hundreds of megabytes or more. If you are viewing an old output file and you click the Reload button, the file viewer will switch to the current version of the file (it assumes there is no need to reload an old version of the file).
Automatic search
The job output tab follows this algorithm when it is reloaded or loaded for the first time: