MARCH 2016 .
- 2016/03/07 - Joubeh does not report correct BUFR messages yet (CCCC = CWAO).
- 2016/03/04 - Problem - It seems that many observations are missing in BUFR messages produced by CLS America (TM315009 - IOBX02 KARS). A significant number of buoys processed by this centre have their data sent in FM18 BUOY format only.
- 2016/02/17 - Announcement - Meteo-France officially announces the distribution of new buoy BUFR data in replacement of FM18 ones and the stop of the transmission for these latter on the 3rd of May 2016. This concerns data transmitted from Meteo-France (LFPW) and CLS Argos (LFVW).
- 2016/02/15 - Announcement - An evaluation test on drifting buoy data sent onto the GTS is planned at Meteo-France and MEDS on the 1st of March. The purpose is to identify which buoys have their data sent in BUFR (TM308009) and/or in FM18 dataformat, expecting the problem at Joubeh will have been fixed.
- 2016/02/12 - Problem fixed - Wrong header for Argo float data has been corrected => IOPX02 RKSL.
- 2016/02/05 - Problem - Argo float data are reported onto the GTS with header TTAAii CCCC instead of IOP....
- 2016/02/05 - Problem - Since the 8th of December 2015, Joubeh has been using template TM315009 to report drifting buoy data in BUFR onto the GTS. Headers are IOBX12 and IOBX15 CWAO. Unfortunately, WMO Ids are missing in these messages. Data are so rejected by a majority of users. Joubeh stopped the transmission of BUFR messages using the never validated WMO template for buoy data which were sent under headers IOBX02 and IOBX05 CWAO.