Updates to the simulated satellite images at IFS cycle 41r2
- Now globalThe updated simulated satellite images introduced at IFS cycle 41r2 are global whereas the previous image showed only the disk visible to the satellite.
- No longer geostationary but includes latitudes greater than 60 degrees north and south so covers polar regions
- assumes Assumes nadir view for all points in the fields so the effect of looking slantwise through the atmosphere is thus neglected. Consequently the atmosphere appears less opaque than with the previous simulated images and so lower lying clouds and other features are better presented.
- Available available in dissemination
- subSub-areas supported
- only Only images corresponding to the Meteosat-10 (not GOES or HIMWARI)channels 5, 6 and 9 are available.
- The images corresponding to the GOES and HIMWARI satellites that were available at IFS cycle 41r1 are discontinued.
Availability of the simulated satellite images in dissemination
Availability of the simulated satellite images in MARS