Surface level parameters | | |
Cloud cover | TBD | |
Pressure | 54 | |
Geopotential height | 156 | |
Specific cloud liquid water content | 247 | |
Specific cloud ice water content | 246 | |
Relative humidity | 157 | |
Specific humidity | 133 | |
Temperature | 130 | |
Wind speed | 10 | |
Wind direction | 3031 | |
U-velocity | 131 | |
V-velocity | 132 | |
Surface level parameters | | |
Precipitation and humidity | | |
Water runoff and drainagePercolation
| 228205 | |
Surface air relative humidity
| TBD | |
Surface runoff
| 174008 | |
Total column water | 136 | |
Total precipitation | 228228 | |
Accumulated radiation fluxes | | |
Albedo | 260509 | |
Evaporation | TBD | |
Time-integrated surface latent heat flux | 147 | |
Time-integrated surface sensible heat flux | 146 | |
Time-integrated surface clear-sky solar radiation downwards
| TBD | |
Time-integrated surface clear-sky solar radiation upwards | TBD | |
Time-integrated surface direct solar radiation
| TBD | |
Time-integrated surface net solar radiation | 176 | |
Time-integrated surface solar radiation downwards | 169 | |
Time-integrated surface clear-sky thermal radiation downwards | TBD | |
Time-integrated surface net thermal radiation
| 177 | |
Time-integrated surface thermal radiation downwards
| 175 | |
Temperature and wind speed | | |
10 metre wind speed | 207 | |
10 metre wind direction | TBD | |
10 metre wind gust | 49 | |
Surface air maximum temperature | TBD | |
Surface air minimum temperature | TBD | |
Surface air temperature | 167 | |
Skin temperature | 235 | |
Pressure/Height | | |
Mean sea level pressure | 151 | |
Surface pressure | 134 | |
Cloud properties | | |
High cloud cover | 3075 | |
Low cloud cover | 3073 | |
Medium cloud cover | 3074 | |
Total cloud cover | 228164 | |
Snow | | |
Snow density | 33 | |
Snow depth | 3066 | |
Snow depth water equivalent | 228141 | |
Snow fall water equivalent | 228144 | |
Soil | | |
Liquid non-frozen volumetric soil moisture | 260210 | |
Volumetric soil moisture | TBD | |
Soil heat flux | TBD | |
Soil temperature | TBD | |
Static fields | | |
Land-sea mask | 172 | |
Orography | 228002 | |
Surface roughness | 173 | |