Versions Compared


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ECMWF plans to upgrade the horizontal resolution of its integrated forecasting system (IFS) including its high-resolution (HRES) and ensemble (ENS) forecasts.The upgraded horizontal resolution will be about 9 km for the HRES and the data assimilation (the outer loop of the 4D-Var) and about 18 km for the ENS up to day 15 and about 36 km for the extended range (monthly). The resolution of the ensemble of data assimilations (EDA) will be increased to 18 km.

A new cycle of the IFS will be introduced to implement the horizontal resolution upgrade. This cycle is labelled 41r2, and includes a number of enhancements to the model and data assimilation. The main contents of IFS cycle 41r2 are:

  • The horizontal resolution is increased by changing from linear (TL) to cubic (TC) spectral truncation and introducing an octahedral reduced Gaussian grid. With the cubic spectral truncation the shortest resolved wave is represented by four rather than two grid points and the octahedral grid is globally more uniform than the previously used reduced Gaussian grid.
  • The realism of the kinetic energy spectrum is significantly improved with more energy in the smaller scales due to a reduction of the diffusion and removal of the dealiasing filter, enabled by the change to using a cubic truncation for the spectral dynamics.
  • There is a significant revision to the specification of background error covariances (B) used in the HRES data assimilation due to the increased resolution of the EDA and the introduction of scale-dependence of the hybrid B (climatological and EDA), thereby relying more on the EDA "errors of the day" for the smaller scales.
  • There are improvements in the use and coverage of assimilated satellite data due to changes in observation selection and error representation (for GPS radio occultation data, all-sky microwave, AMSU-A, IASI and AMVs) and improved observation operators for radiance data from microwave sounders.
  • The stability of the semi-Lagrangian scheme near strong wind gradients is improved, reducing noise downstream of significant orography and in tropical cyclones.
  • The radiative heating/cooling at the surface is improved by introducing approximate updates on the full resolution grid at every timestep. This leads to a reduction in 2-metre temperature errors, particularly near coastlines.
  • Additionally there are changes to the triggering of deep convection, non-orographic wave drag and improvements to the linear physics in the data assimilation (for gravity wave drag, vertical diffusion and the surface exchange).

These upgrades

  • do not include any increase in the vertical resolution;
  • do not apply to the ECMWF seasonal forecasts;
  • do not apply to the standalone wave model (HRES-SAW);
  • do apply to products from the Boundary Condition Optional Programme.


22 December 2015

A problem has been found with the GRIB encoding of some fields provided via the test dissemination system.  Fields interpolated to a regular latitude-longitude grid have the first and last latitude points encoded incorrectly in the GRIB header. Typically, the values for fields on global grids are encoded with:

  •    latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = 89.946
  •    latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees = -90.054

instead of 90.0 and -90.0, respectively. Similar incorrect encodings of the latitudes are seen for fields interpolated to sub-areas of a regular latitude-longitude grid.

The issue is known to affect all surface parameters, pressure and model level grid point fields (such as specific humidity) and potential vorticity on theta surface. Analysts are investigating and will correct the encoding as soon as possible. 

8 December 2015

  • Formal start of the Release Candidate Phase of the pre-operational testing. Parallel product dissemination of 41r2 test data is now available.
  • ENS and ENS-WAM days 11 to 15 will be run at the same resolution as days 0 to 10. Resolution overlap products, EFOV, will be provided from day 14 to day 15 and these will be provided for the ENS Extended only. The ENS extension to 46 days will run twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays) as before. The specific ENS calibration / validation products are discontinued.
  • A new corrected land-sea mask (LSM) was introduced for both HRES and ENS IFS 41r2 test data from 12 UTC on 9 November 2015.



4 November 2015
  • Initial version
8 December 2015
  • Announced start of Release Candidate testing phase
  • Test data available in dissemination and ecCharts
  • ENS Days 11 - 15 will be run at the same resolution as ENS Days 0 - 10
22 December 2015
  • Issue identified with test dissemination data.