Name | Default | Type/Unit | Comment |
returnCode | "0" | integer | Allow specifying the expected exit code of the command started with the "script" option. If the exit code is different from the one specified in this parameter then the transmission is tagged as failed. This value can be overwritten in the ECtrans Association. This option is only used when the "synchronous" option is set to "true", otherwise the script is started in the background and ECtrans does not wait for the exit code to return. |
script | ${ecmwf.dir}/gateway/bin/ectrans | string | Allow specifying the script to execute on the ECaccess Gateway once a file has been transmitted. |
dir | - | string | Sets the working directory for the data transmission. |
synchronous | "true" | boolean | If set then the script is started and ECtrans wait for the exit code to return, If not set then the script is started in the background and ECtrans does not wait for the exit code to return. |
usePipe | "false" | boolean | If set then the arguments (parameters) of the script are sent one per line to the standard input stream of the process running the script. If not set then the arguments (parameters) are passed to the script through the command-line. This option can be useful to hide the arguments passed to the script, which could be seen by a "ps" command started on the system. |
args | - | string | This is the string which is passed to the script for execution. e.g. args="-user $ecuser -filename $target" The args string can take the following parameters:
mkdirs | "true" | boolean | Allow creating the directory named by the target pathname, including any necessary but non-existent parent directories. |
usetmp | "true" | boolean | Force using a temporary name when transmitting a file to the ECaccess Gateway. Once the transmission has completed successfully, and before the script is started, the file is renamed with its final target name. |
prefix | - | string | When using the "usetmp" option, this option allow setting the prefix to use for the temporary file name (e.g. "."). |
suffix | - | string | When using the "usetmp" option, this option allow setting the suffix to use for the temporary file name (e.g. ".tmp"). |