If more than one time and/or forecast step is contained in the GRIB icon, it returns a set of cross sections.
Interpolate Values
Specifies whether to interpolate vertically the cross-section values into a regular set of interpolated vertical levels. Choosing not to interpolate returns a cross section data matrix with values at the original levels.
Note - if you need to use the cross section data in calculations further down the stream you should not interpolate.
Specifies the coordinates of a transect line along which the cross-section is calculated. Enter coordinates (lat/long) of a line separated by a "/" (easternmost lat and long, westernmost lat and long). Alternatively, use the coordinate assist button.
Specifies the parameter number of the W wind component data, if you are using non-ECMWF data - ECMWF uses specific parameter numbers different from the WMO ones. Enter whichever parameter number is appropriate for your data.
Horizontal Point Mode
Specifies how the geographical points along the input transect line will be computed. These points will be used to calculate the cross-section. Valid values are Interpolate and Nearest Gridpoint. Setting this option to Interpolate will create a regular (taking into consideration the resolution of the data and assuring that a minimum of 64 points will be generated) set of interpolated geographical points along the transect line. Setting this option to Nearest Gridpoint will filter the previous set of points by selecting only the nearest points to the original grid points.
Vertical Coordinates
Setting this option to User will enable the use of general height-based coordinates. In this mode, additional GRIB fields should be supplied (one per model level) where the values of the grid points represent the heights of their locations. Valid values are Default andUser.