Gaussian gridsNaming conventionThe Gaussian grids are defined by the quadrature points used to facilitate the accurate numerical computation of the integrals involved in the Fourier and Legendre transforms. The grids are labelled by N where N is the number of latitude lines between the pole and the equator. For example, for the N640 Gaussian grid, there are 640 lines of latitude between the pole and the equator giving 1280 latitude lines in total. The grid points in latitude, θk, are given by the zeros of the Legendre polynomial or order N: PN0(μk=sinθk) = 0. A consequence of this is that a Gaussian grid has: - latitude lines which are not equally spaced;
- no latitude points at the poles;
- no line of latitude at the equator;
- latitude lines which are symmetric about the equator.
Regular (or full) Gaussian gridA regular Gaussian grid has the following characteristics: - there are 4N longitude points along each latitude circle;
- the longitudinal resolution in latitude-longitude is given by 90o/N;
- the points get closer together (i.e. more crowded) as the latitude increases towards the poles;
- the total number of grid points is 8N2.
Reduced (or quasi-regular) Gaussian gridA reduced Gaussian grid: Up to and including IFS cycle 41r1, ECMWF has used a standard reduced Gaussian grid. This has 4N longitude points at the latitude nearest to the equator, with the number of longitude points reducing in blocks as the latitudes approach the poles. With the horizontal resolution increase at IFS cycle 42r1, ECMWF introduces a slightly different form of the reduced Gaussian grid which is referred to as the octahedral reduced Gaussian grid or, more simply, the octahedral grid. |