JUNE 2015
- 2015/06/03 - Announcement - Drifting buoy BUFR data produced by Meteo-France are henceforth sent with header IOB[A-L]13 LFPW onto the GTS instead of IOB[A-L]01.
- 2015/06/01 - Announcement - Drifting buoy data processed at Meteo-France now use template TM315009 instead of the never-validated WMO template for data buoys.
APRIL 2015
- 2015/04/20 - Announcement - Pacific Gyre started the production of BUFR data following template TM31509 (drifting buoys). It is the first centre to do this. GTS header is IOBX06 KWBC. Pacific Gyre continues to produce drifting buoy data in BUFR according to the former [not validated] template for buoy data.