where to put OpenIFS status & discussion?
Draft programme
Day 1: Weds 10th
(conflict with UEF meeting for lecture theatre - joint presentations?)
12.30 : Noureddine
Lunch 1300 - 1400 + Computer Hall Tour group 1 (1345)
14.00 : Filip/Glenn : Introduction - computer accounts, login etc.
18.00 : Social event - icebreaker (drinks, nibbles & hot snacks). Meet ECMWF scientists
Concourse or atrium & patio (if dry/warm)
Day 2: Thurs 11th
9.00 : OpenIFS cray runs - exercises with grib tools (possibly) (Paul)
Preparing files for metview?
11.00 : Case study - exercise 2
13.00 Lunch + computer
13.30 Computer hall tour group 2(30mins)
Council chamber
14.00 : Heikki
16.00 : Practicals - continuation & discussion
17.00 : Depart to Oxford
Day 3: Fri 12th
9.00 : OpenIFS - code experience