From your main Metview desktop, you should now see a number of folders including one called SCM_tutorial - double-click to open it. It should contain two icons, and a folder with solutions like this:
The SCM Input Data icon
Your input SCM data file (scm_in.nc) is recognised as a distinct filetype in Metview and this icon is assigned to it:
Right-click this icon and select examine from the context menu. Metview's own netCDF examiner is started up showing the metadata content of the file.
- define the path to the SCM executable (relative paths are allowed)
define the namelist for the SCM run
- define the way the output data is treated. The output is always a netCDF. By default this is cached in a temporary directory, but it can be saved to a given path.
Now double-click or right-click edit your SCM Run icon to open up its editor.
If any errors or warning were generated these will be available in the icons output windowicon's output log, available through the Log entry in the icon's context menu. This window always shows the location of the STDOUT and the fort.20 file generated during the SCM run.
Now duplicate your Scm Run icon and rename the copy Scm Run 2. Edit the new icon, right-click remove the Scm Input Data, then drop your modified input data icon (scm_in_modified.nc) into the Scm Input Data box in the editor. Save your changes, then execute this icon. You have now run the single column model on two different sets of input data, and the results are cached.