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Code Block
titleEuler advection namelist
!  Shallow-water model with Euler advection.
!  The variables below must be set in order to correctly configure
!  the shallow-water model.
!  Other variables (if present) can be left as-is.

For namelist: NAMDYN
 TSTEP=300.0,               ! reduce timestep for Euler stepping
 REPS1=0.01,                ! turn on Asselin time-filtering coefficient
 LHDIFFM=.false.,           !  horizontal diffusion on / off
 LSETTLS=.false.,           ! extrapolations in SL scheme
 LSETTLST=.false.,          ! ditto

For namelist: NAMCT0
 NCONF=201,                 ! model configuration: 201 = shallow-water (see yomct0.F90)
 LSLAG=.false.,             ! turn off semi-lagrangian scheme
 LTWOTL=.false.,            ! disable two-time-level SL scheme.
 LRFRIC=.false.,            ! turn off Rayleigh friction
 LSLPHY=.false.,            ! turn off split time-step physics
 LVERTFE=.false.,           ! turn off vertical finite element scheme
 N2DINI=1,                  ! initialise  1 = Haurwitz wave, 2 = real fields
 LSPRT=.false.,             ! if T temperature is 'virtual temperature'
 LFPOS=false,               ! turn off fullpos diagnostics, does not work with SW
 N3DINI=0,                  ! no 3D initialisation
 NSTOP=600,                 ! no. of steps to run
 NFRHIS=10,                 ! frequency of results output

For namelist: NAEPHY
 LEPHYS=false,           ! turn off ECMWF Physics package (master switch)
 LERADI=false,           ! turn off radiation scheme

For namelist: NAMDYNA
 LGRADSP=.false.,        ! disable de-aliasing the pressure gradient term

For namelist: NAMDIM
  NUNDEFLD=0,            ! make sure uninitialised variables are all set to zero


Also, add a blank namelist to fort.4 for NAMSWE:

Code Block




There are a number of issues that can cause the model to fail. Please make sure:
