- duplicate the note1 icon and rename it to note2.
- customise it by changing for instance the font style and size (remember to re-define an appropriate text box).
- drag it into the Display Window.
Extra work
Create an A3 plot, projection Mollweide
- Hint: this is a setting in the Display Window icon
The exercise given in the Legend section above has a hidden feature related to the value 27.4 associated assigned to parameter Legend X Box Position , Icon legmap. This value was carefully chosen to allow the legend box to cover completely the latitude labels on the right hand side of the map. Change this value to 27, for instance, and and check the result. One possible solution to avoid this issue is to reduce the width of the mapping area; thus, giving more space to draw the legend box.
Redo the Legend section's exercise by reducing the width of the mapping area.
- HintHints: 1) this is a setting in the Geographical View icon. Create ; 2) create an new instance of this View, instead of using the automatic default one.
Explore the Display Window and Views
Re-create the following plot:
show a plot with a Annotation View on the top plus a geoview and vprofview
Macro exercise
Build a Macro program using the icons created in the previous exercise and setting a A3 output plot.