The coordinate system is defined by the Cartesian View icon, the visual appearance of the axes by the Axis Plotting icons and the title by the Text Plotting icon. The data points themselves can be modified with the Symbol Plotting (for points) and Graph Plotting (for lines) icons.
XXXX download data
A Simple Graph
Create a new Input Visualiser icon. Set Input Plot Type to XYPoints and type a list of values (forward slash-delimited) for both Input X Values and Input Y Values (they should have the same number of elements).
Customise this similarly.
You can tie bind the axis icons to the view icon by dropping them into the Horizontal Axis and Vertical Axis parameter boxes in the Cartesian View icon editor. Now when you visualise this view icon, it will have your customised axes.
Add a title
We will look in more detail at plot titles, but for now just create a new Text Plotting icon and set Text Line 1 to a suitable title for your plot; drop it into the Display Window to apply it.
Putting it into a macro
Now drop the Cartesian View icon into the editor of a new Macro icon - the Axis icon definitions will be automatically included. Do the same with the other icons and add a plot()
command, remembering that the view should be the first argument, followed by a data variable, followed by any visdefs to be applied to it.