Info |
Remember an area is a list of South/West/North/East values. The coordinates of the current track point are |
Next, read the forecast data for the current forecast step and the area you defined (supposing your area is called wbox
Code Block |
data: g,
par: "msl",
step: i*24,
area : wbox
) |
Code Block |
trDate = trDate & [date(val_date([i])) + hour(val_time([i)])] |
Having finished the body of the loop the last step is to define an Input Visualiser and return it. The code you need to add is like this:
- the line thicker
- the points to be blue filled circles (their marker index is 15) with a reasonable size.
Creating a title
Define a custom title to the plot with a new Text Plotting icon.
Putting it all together
With a new Display Window icon design an A4 portrait layout with two views: your Geographical View icon should go top and your Cartesian View icon into the bottom. Now visualise your icon and populate the view with the data.