Case description
In this exercise we will use Metview to produce the plots shown above:
Info |
This exercise involves:
XXX Download data
Verify that the data are as expected.
We will prepare the plot interactively using icons. Then, at the end, we will put it all together into a macro. Remember to give your icons useful names!
Creating the map plot
Setting the map View
With a new Geographical View icon, set up a cylindrical projection with its area defined as
- the land coloured in grey
- the sea coloured as #dcf0ff
Plotting the Mean Sea Level Pressure field
Plot the GRIB file sandy_msl.grib into this view using a new Contouring icon. Plot black isolines with an interval of 5 hPa between them. Animate through the fields to see how the forecast evolving.
Info |
The fields you visualised were taken from the model run at 2012-10-27 0UTC and containing 12 hourly forecast steps from 0 to 120 hours. |
Plotting the storm track
The storm track data is stored in the CSV file called sandy_track.txt. If you open this file you will see that it contains the date, time and geographical coordinates of the track points.
Now drag your Table Visualiser icon the plot to overlay the mean sea level forecast with the track.
Customising the storm track
The storm track in its current form does not look great so you need to customise it with a Graph Plotting icon by setting the
- the track line to black and thick
- the track points to be white filled circles (their marker index is 15) with red outline.
Plotting date/time labels onto the track
To finalise the track plot you need to add the date/time labels to the track points. This can be done with a Symbol Plotting icon by specifying the list of labels you want to plot into the map. Since it would require too much editing you will learn a better (programmatic) way of doing it by using Metview Macro.
By returning the visual definition your Macro behaves as if it were a real Symbol Plotting icon. So save the Macro and drag it into the plot to see the labels appearing along the track.
Creating the graph plot
Setting the View
With a new Cartesian View icon, set up a view to cater for the graph showing the mean sea level pressure values in hPa by setting
- the x-axis type to date
- the y-axis label to hPa
- the y-axis minimum value to 940 and its maximum is 1000
Computing the minimum pressure along the track
Since this task is fairly complex you will use a Macro for it. The idea goes like this:
By returning the visual definition you built a Macro behaves as if it were a real Input VisualiserSymbol Plottingicon.
Customising the storm track
Customise the graph with a Graph Plotting icon by setting the
- the line thicker
- the points to be blue filled circles (their marker index is 15) with a reasonable size.
Putting it all together
With a new Display Window icon design an A4 portrait layout with two views: your Geographical View icon should go top and your Cartesian View icon into the bottom. Now visualise your icon and populate the view with the data.
Extra Work
Try the following if you have time.
Ensuring the title has the correct date and time
There are various ways we can ensure that the title has the date and time according to the actual data. The default title in fact contains the date and time, but in this exercise we want more control over it.
- if you have a fieldset variable called
, the following line will extract the date at which the field is valid:msl_date = grib_get_long(msl_grib, 'validityDate')
- we can do something similar for the validity time
- these are extracted as integer numbers, but can be combined into a proper date variable in Macro:
full_date = date(msl_date) + hour(msl_time)
- use the
function to construct a date string similar to the one used in the current title- see String Functions for details of how to use it
- insert this into the
function instead of the current title - it is now more robust - if you use data from a different date or time, the title will still be correct
- note that this method will not work directly if you want to generate an animation from different time steps of data
Experiment with different backgrounds
Modify the Coastlines icon, for example: