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title20.1.02015 cosmodeeps-dwd-eu change

The global model GME has been replaced by the new global model ICON. This change affects the COSMO-DE-EPS  because four global models (including ICON, GME before) are used to perturbat IC and BC (dynamically downscaled with BC-EPS). The updated metadata description is available at Models' description page.


  • 15/06/2014: Migration and consolidation of the ECMWF's TIGGE-LAM website
  • 31/08/2014: The end of GEOWOW project
  • 18/11/2013: TIGGE-LAM archive presented at MOS biannual workshop at ECMWF (by Richard Mladek)
  • 30/09/2013: TIGGE-LAM archive presented at SRNWP workshop in Antalya (by Tiziana Pacagnella)
  • 26/07/2013: TIGGE-LAM working meeting at ECMWF (participants: Tiziana Pacagnella, Richard Swinbank, Ervin  Zsoter, Richard Mladek). The minutes available in the meeting section.
  • 03/06/2013: The start of production archival of the second TIGGE-LAM dataset from ZAMG-Austria (ALADIN-LAEF).
  • 15/04/2013: The first dataset (COSMO-LEPS) has been archived regularly in production mode (back-archival since January 1, 2013).
  • 14/03/2013: TIGGE/TIGGE-LAM monitoring pages were (re)enabled at
  • 11/12/2012: TIGGE-LAM mailing list containing all technical and coordination contacts created.
  • 04/12/2012: TIGGE-LAM archive wiki pages created
  • 01/11/2012: TIGGE-LAM suite migrated and run under ecflow
  • 01/10/2012: Pre-operational running of a test version of TIGGE-LAM archive fed by COSMOLEPS outputs (