The GIFS-TIGGE working group is one of three THORPEX working group, the others being DAOS (Data Assimilation and Observing Strategy) and PDP (Predictability and Dynamical Processes). The THORPEX GIFS-TIGGE working group coordinates the development, maintenance and exploitation of the TIGGE project, and work towards a future Global Interactive Forecast System (GIFS).
After the completion of THORPEX, the role of the GIFS-TIGGE and PDP working groups will be taken over by a new WWRP working group on Predictability, Dynamics and Ensemble Forecasting (PDEF), with the development and maintenance of TIGGE coordinated by the TIGGE Panel.
This web page provides a complete set of reports from the GIFS-TIGGE working group, from the initial development of TIGGE, the development of probabilistic products to support GIFS through to plans for the THORPEX legacy.