with ecflow.Suite('s1') as s1: with s1.add_family("critical") as crit : child_list = [ ] # empty child list means apply to all child commands crit.add_zombie(ZombieAttr(ZombieType.ecf, child_list, ZombieUserActionType.fail, 300)) crit.add_zombie(ZombieAttr(ZombieType.path, child_list, ZombieUserActionType.fail, 300)) crit.add_zombie(ZombieAttr(ZombieType.user, child_list, ZombieUserActionType.fail, 300))
suite s1 family critical zombie ecf:fail:: zombie path:fail:: zombie user:fail::
The zombie attribute can also be added on the shell command line, using --alter . i.e
- ecflow_client --alter add zombie "ecf:fob::" /suiteX # fob (init,event, meter, label,abort, complete) child commands. This prevents zombies from blocking the script. Use with great care.
- ecflow_client --alter add zombie "ecf:fail::" /suiteY # fail the script straight away for any child command, in the job file.
To delete a zombie attribute, please use one of:
- ecflow_client --alter delete zombie ecf /suiteX
- ecflow_client --alter delete zombie path /suiteX
- ecflow_client --alter delete zombie user /suiteX