Variable Name | SMHI | Comments | Uni Bonn/HErZ | Comments | Météo France | Comments | UKMO | Comments |
10m U,V wind components | m/s |
| m/s |
| m/s |
1.5m / 2m temperature | K |
| K |
| K | 1.5m temperature over land |
1.5m / 2m Tx, Tn | K |
| K | Defined within a time interval |
| K | Min, Max temperature at 1.5m since previous post-processing |
Net shortwave radiation flux at the surface | J/m^2 | Net surface short-wave radiation (accumulated) | W/m^2 | Net short-wave radiation flux at surface (instantaneous) |
| W/m^2 | Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) |
Downwelling (global) short-wave radiation | J/m^2 | Accumulated value | W/m^2 | Instantaneous value (sum of direct and diffuse radiation at surface) |
| J/m^2 | Short wave radiation flux at surface (accumulated) |
Total cloud cover | fraction |
| % |
| ?
| ??? |
Total precipitation | kg/m^2 | accumulated | kg/m^2 | Accumulated in forecasting interval |
| Kg /(m^2*day) | Total accumulated precip. |
Total rainfall | NA |
Total snowfall | Kg/m^2 | accumulated |
Convective precipitation | ??? |
| kg / m^2 | Convective precip (water) |
Convective rainfall | NA |
| kg/m^2 | Accumulated in forecasting interval |
Convective snowfall | ??? |
| kg/m^2 | Accumulated in forecasting interval |
| m of water |
Large-scale precipitation | ??? |
Large-scale rainfall | NA |
| kg/m^2 | Accumulated in forecasting interval |
Large-scale snowfall | ??? |
| Kg/m^2 | Accumulated in forecasting interval |
Snow depth | m |
| m |