To change this behaviour edit the namelist file fort.4
and change the default value of LDELRES
. e.g.
Code Block |
LDELRES=.true., |
/ |
Restart namelist
A file, 'rcf' will be created by the model at each timestep when the restart files are written. This file contains the NAMELIST NAMRCF that informs the model what it needs to know to restart the model.
The key subroutines for restarts are:
monio.F90 - sets up the internal arrays to determine write times.
wrresf.F90 - calls the I/O subsystem to write out the restart files. If you add more arrays to the model and want them to appear in restart files, change this routine.
reresf.F90 - calls the I/O subsystem to read the restart files. Counterpart to wrresf.F90. Any changes to wrresf must be mirrored by changes to reresf.F90.
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