2014/10/20 - Problem - Since the 13th of October, sub-surface temperature data from drifting buoy WMO 4800665 (sent with header IOBX05 KWBC), seem not academic. This caused crashes in the data acquisition software of Meteo-France. Data provider informed today.
2014/10/08 - New BUFR data - Data received from NOAA/PMEL for two OCEANSites moored buoys have been correctly handled by Meteo-France today (headers IOB[B/C]18 KPML). These data are the first using template 315008 and received at Meteo-France.
2014/09/30 - Problem fixed - The problem with bulletins IOBX02 KARS and IOBX11 LFVW was fixed today. It was due Met Office (Exeter) message switch that considered these messages were text and not binary data.