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Fig:8.1.10-21: Precipitation type histograms for Paris from a series of ensemble forecasts.
Fig:8.1.10-22: Precipitation type histograms for Paris from a series of ensemble forecasts.
Fig:8.1.10-23: Forecast vertical profile at Paris to the north of the frontal zone with typical zone of positive temperatures above an undercutting sub-zero cold zone. The vertical profiles compare the forecast profile (red) and observed profile (black). The forecast vertical profile doesn't capture the cold air but is sufficient for the HRES to produce freezing rain and ice pellets.
Fig:8.1.10-24: Forecast vertical profile at Idar-Oberstein to the north of the frontal zone with typical zone of positive temperatures above an undercutting sub-zero cold zone. The vertical profiles compare the forecast profile (red) and observed profile (black). The forecast vertical profile doesn't capture the cold air but is sufficient for the HRES to produce freezing rain and ice pellets.
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