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New ways of forecasting the degree of sub-grid variability in precipitation totals have also been developed (Point Rainfall). Future updates to the IFS may allow some of the convective precipitation (mainly as snow) to be advected downstream into adjoining grid boxes.
CAPE and CIN These parameters are computed in order to help the user assess the likelihood of severe convective storms.
Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) gives They give information on the the convective energy and the availability of low-level moisture. CAPE can be a guide to the intensity of convection, but only if convection triggers. It is only one measure of the potential for severe convection and thunderstorms. Instability indices also give some indication.
CAPE and MUCIN, and CIN and MUCIN are parameters that can be derived from vertical profiles of temperature and humidity throughout the troposphere that have either been measured or modelled. The parameters are widely used in the prediction of convective storms, as they describe the specific potential energy of air in the lower troposphere that is potentially released in convective storms.
The parameters are physical quantities with a direct physical interpretation, which set them apart from Instability indices that only relate to the physics of convection in an indirect way.
Convective Available Potential Energy parameters:
- CAPE (CAPEθe) is computed using equivalent potential temperature of the parcel (θep), and the environmental saturated equivalent potential temperature (θesat).
- MUCAPE (CAPEθv) is computed using virtual potential temperature of the parcel (θvp), the virtual potential temperature of the environment (θve), and the environmental saturated equivalent potential temperature (θesat).
MUCAPE (CAPEθv) has overall higher values than CAPEθe (and indeed what forecasters would diagnose from vertical profiles of the atmosphere).
CAPE and MUCAPE are computed according to parcel theory. Both assume:
- a pseudo-adiabatic parcel ascent.
- all condensate removed as soon as it forms.
- no entrainment of surrounding air (evaluated CAPE or MUCAPE is likely to be a slight overestimate).
This is exactly similar to a forecaster analysis of the tephigram.
CAPE is computed in the IFS according to parcel theory, assuming pseudoadiabatic ascent and no entrainment. This is exactly what one should see if one analyses the tephigram. At any given grid point the convection scheme inspects the temperature structure of the model atmosphere progressively from the surface to 300hPa and if . If there exists a level of free convection (LFC) it evaluates the CAPE. Entrainment of surrounding air is not considered and thus the evaluated CAPE is likely to be a slight overestimate. The The search for CAPE currently in use allows discovery of elevated instability, even at night when there will often be low-level stability at lower altitudes.
CAPE (or CAPEθe to distinguish it from MUCAPE) is computed assuming a pseudo-adiabatic parcel ascent (all condensate is removed as soon as it forms) using the equivalent potential temperature (θep), and the environmental saturated equivalent potential temperature (θesat).
As a guide MUCAPE values:
- greater than 1000 J kg-1 indicate potential for development of moderate thunderstorms
- greater than 2000 J kg-1 indicate a potential for severe thunderstorms.
- 3000 to 4000 J kg-1 or even higher usually signify a very volatile atmosphere that could produce severe storms if other environmental parameters are in place.
CAPE and MUCAPE can be a guide to the intensity of convection, but only if convection triggers.
Convective Inhibition parameters:
- CIN describes the energy required to provide sufficient lift to overcome any capping inversion and to release the CAPE.
- MUCIN describes the energy required to provide sufficient lift to overcome any capping inversion and to release the CAPE.
MUCIN is identical to CIN as both use virtual temperature during evaluation.
At CIN is assessed from the model atmosphere in a similar way to the process to identify CAPE. At any given grid point the convection scheme inspects the temperature structure of the model atmosphere progressively from the surface upwards and if . If there exists a level of free convection (LFC) it evaluates the energy required for a rising parcel to overcome the inhibiting effect of the underlying temperature structure.
Most Unstable CAPE (MUCAPE) is also evaluated. The only difference from the CAPEθe is that MUCAPE is computed using virtual potential temperature of the parcel (θvp) and virtual potential temperature of the environment (θve). This change provides an estimate of CAPE for the most unstable parcel which is more in line with parcel theory, and with what forecasters should diagnose from vertical profiles of the atmosphere.
MUCAPE has overall higher values than CAPEθe.
Broadly, values >1000 J kg-1 indicate potential for development of moderate thunderstorms and values >2000 J kg-1 indicate a potential for severe ones. MUCAPE of 3000 to 4000 J kg-1 or even higher is usually a signal of a very volatile atmosphere that could produce severe storms if other environmental parameters are in place.
CAPE-shear is a combination of bulk shear (vector wind shear in the lowest 6km of the atmosphere) and CAPE or MUCAPE and is used to identify areas of potentially extreme convection. Vertical wind shear tends to promote thunderstorm organisation, although excessive wind shear can be detrimental to convective initiation by increasing entrainment of environmental air into the storm. But if active convection is indeed established, then the larger the wind shear the tends to be associated with higher organisation and severity of convection tends to be. For
For example supercells can be very long-lived (more than 6 hours in some cases). They : supercells produce the majority of strong to violent tornadoes and very large hail (more than 5cm in diameter) and they tend to occur in environments with strong wind shear (0-6 km shear > 20 ms-1). Supercells can be very long-lived (more than 6 hours in some cases).
For diagnostic purposes both CAPE/MUCAPE and CAPE-shear should be used together, or alternatively one can examine together CAPE and wind shear as separate parameters.