- Occasional reviewer for:
- Journal of Hydrometeorology,
- Water Resources Research,
- Water,
- Remote Sensing of Environment,
- Remote Sensing,
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS),
- Meteorological Applications,
- Climate Dynamics,
- IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
- Hydrological Processes,
- Journal of Hydrology,
- Journal of Geophysical Research,
- International Journal of Digital Earth,
- Journal of Climate,
- Advances in Water Resources,
- Geophysical Research Letters,
- Geoscientific Model Development
- Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
- International Journal of Geo-Information
- Hydrological Sciences Journal
- Hydrology (MDPI)
- Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing
- Atmosphere (MDPI)
- Sensors (MDPI)
- Land (MDPI)
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (EGU)
- Environmental International
- International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformations
- Agricultural Water Management
- International Journal ofEnvironmental Research and Public Health
- Agronomy (MDPI)
- Earth System Science Data (ESSD)
- MethodsX
- Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
- The Cryosphere
- IEEE-Access
- Journal of Environmental Management
- Geo-Spatial Information Science
- The Statistical Journal of the International Association of Official Statistics (IAOS)
- Guest Editor for the Special Issue: "Microwave Remote Sensing for Hydrology" of the Remote Sensing (MDPI) Journal, July 2018- Dec 2019. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing/special_issues/MicrowaveRS_Hydrology