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A major goal of Extended Range forecasting is prediction, well in advance, of persistent, anomalous large scale circulation patterns that themselves can lead to severe weather events:
Extended range, sub-seasonal forecasts cannot be expected to accurately represent day-to-day weather variations. However, they should be able to capture large-scale circulation patterns that typically last longer than about a week, and also be able to roughly indicate the timing of a change from one circulation type to another.
- Whether the circulation applies to the whole region or whether a different flow is likely near the edge(s). Confident winter-time forecast circulation can have a large spread in forecasts of 2m temperature due to atmospheric thermal gradients shifted away from their climatological positions.
- Atmospheric dynamical processes (Rossby wave propagations, weather regimes, etc).
- Land Surface conditions: Snow cover, Soil moisture.
- Ocean conditions: Sea-surface temperature, Sea ice.
- Stratospheric initial conditions.
- The Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) - has a significant impact on the forecast skill scores.
The extended range products should always be used with historical skill metrics in mind, as provided by verification probabilistic scores from the re-forecasts.
The Anomaly charts (500hPa N Hem anomaly and Global and Regional anomaly) show how past extended range forecasts performed in the lead up to a particular week. The anomaly of one week of forecasts (relative to the ER-M-climate) is compared with the weekly mean anomalies (relative to the ER-M-climate) of recent extended range forecasts verifying over the same period. They give information about the consistency between the monthly forecasts from one week to another.