Create a directory for this tutorial so all the exercises and outputs are contained inside:
No Format mkdir ~/batch_tutorial cd ~/batch_tutorial
Create and submit a job called
with just default settings that runs the commandhostname
. Can you find the output and inspect it? Where did your job run?Expand title Solution Using your favourite editor, create a file called
with the following contentCode Block language bash title simplest.sh #!/bin/bash hostname
You can submit it with sbatch:
No Format sbatch simplest.sh
The job should be run shortly. When finished, a new file called
should appear in the same directory. You can check the output with:No Format $ cat $(ls -r11 slurm-*.out | headtail -n1) ab6-202.bullx [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] This is the ECMWF job Epilogue [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] +++ Please report issues using the Support portal +++ [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] +++ https://support.ecmwf.int +++ [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Run at 2023-10-25T11:31:53 on ecs [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] JobName : simplest.sh [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] JobID : 64273363 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Submit : 2023-10-25T11:31:36 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Start : 2023-10-25T11:31:51 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] End : 2023-10-25T11:31:53 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] QueuedTime : 15.0 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ElapsedRaw : 2 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ExitCode : 0:0 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] DerivedExitCode : 0:0 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] State : COMPLETED [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Account : myaccount [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] QOS : ef [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] User : user [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] StdOut : /etc/ecmwf/nfs/dh1_home_a/user/slurm-64273363.out [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] StdErr : /etc/ecmwf/nfs/dh1_home_a/user/slurm-64273363.out [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] NNodes : 1 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] NCPUS : 2 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] SBU : 0.011 [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can then see that the script has run on a different node than the one you are on.
If you repeat the operation, you may get your job to run on a different node every time, whichever happens to be free at the time.
Configure your
job to direct the output tosimplest-<jobid>.out
, the error tosimplest-<jobid>.err
both in the same directory, and the job name to just "simplest". Note you will need to use a special placeholder for the -<jobid>
.Expand title Solution Using your favourite editor, open the
job script and add the relevant #SBATCH directives:Code Block language bash title simplest.sh #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=simplest #SBATCH --output=simplest-%j.out #SBATCH --output=simplest-%j.err hostname
You can submit it again with:
No Format sbatch simplest.sh
After a few moments, you should see the new files appear in your directory (job id will be different than the one displayed here):
No Format $ ls simplest-*.* simplest-64274497.err simplest-64274497.out
You can check that the job name was also changed in the end of job report:
No Format $ grep -i jobname $(ls -r11 simplest-*.err | headtail -n1) [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] JobName : simplest
From a terminal session outside the Atos HPCF or ECS your VDI or computer, submit the
job remotely. What hostname should you use?Expand title Solution You must use hpc-batch for HPCF job submissions, or ecs-batch for remote submissions:
No Format ssh hpc-batch "cd ~/batch_tutorial; sbatch simplest.sh"
No Format ssh ecs-batch "cd ~/batch_tutorial; sbatch simplest.sh"
Note the change of directory so both the job script, the working directory of the job and its outputs are generated in the right place.
An alternative way of doing this without changing directory would be to tell sbatch to do it for you:
No Format ssh hpc-batch sbatch -D ~/batch_tutorial ~/batch_tutorial/simplest.sh
or for ECS:
No Format ssh ecs-batch sbatch -D ~/batch_tutorial ~/batch_tutorial/simplest.sh
Create a new job script
with the contents below and try to submit the job. What happened? Can you fix the job and keep trying until it runs successfully?Code Block language bash title broken1.sh collapse true #SBATCH --job-name = broken 1 #SBATCH --output = broken1-%J.out #SBATCH --error = broken1-%J.out #SBATCH --qos = express #SBATCH --time = 00:05:00 echo "I was broken!"
Expand title Solution The job above has the following problems:
- There is no shebang at the beginning of the script.
- There should be no spaces in the directives
- There should be no space
- QoS "express" does not exist
Here is an amended version:
Code Block language bash title broken1_fixed.sh #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=broken1 #SBATCH --output=broken1-%J.out #SBATCH --error=broken1-%J.out #SBATCH --time=00:05:00 echo "I was broken!"
Note that the QoS line was removed, but you may also use the following if running on ECS:
No Format #SBATCH --qos=ef
or the alternatively, if on Atos HPCF:
No Format #SBATCH --qos=nf
Check that the actual job run and generated the expected output:
No Format $ grep -v ECMWF-INFO $(ls -1 broken1-*.out | headtail -n1) I was broken!
Create a new job script
with the contents below and try to submit the job. What happened? Can you fix the job and keep trying until it runs successfully?Code Block language bash title broken2.sh collapse true #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=broken2 #SBATCH --output=broken2-%J.out #SBATCH --error=broken2-%J.out #SBATCH --qos=ns #SBATCH --time=10-00 echo "I was broken!"
Expand title Solution The job above has the following problems:
- QoS "ns" does not exist. Either remove to use the default or use the corresponding QoS on ECS (ef) or HPCF (nf)
- The time requested is 10 days, which is longer than the maximum allowed. it was probably meant to be 10 minutes
Here is an amended version:
Code Block language bash title broken1.sh #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=broken2 #SBATCH --output=broken2-%J.out #SBATCH --error=broken2-%J.out #SBATCH --time=10:00 echo "I was broken!"
Again, note that the QoS line was removed, but you may also use the following if running on ECS:
No Format #SBATCH --qos=ef
or the alternatively, if on Atos HPCF:
No Format #SBATCH --qos=nf
Check that the actual job run and generated the expected output:
No Format $ grep -v ECMWF-INFO $(ls -1 broken2-*.out | headtail -n1) I was broken!
Create a new job script
with the contents below and try to submit the job. What happened? Can you fix the job and keep trying until it runs successfully?Code Block language bash title broken3.sh collapse true #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=broken3 #SBATCH --chdir=$SCRATCH #SBATCH --output=broken3output/broken3-%J.out #SBATCH --error=broken3output/broken3-%J.out echo "I was broken!"
Expand title Solution The job above has the following problems:
- Variables are not expanded on job directives. You must specify your paths explicitly
The directory where the output and error files will go must exist beforehand. Otherwise the job will fail but you will not get any hint as to what may have happened to the job. The only hint would be if checking sacct:
No Format $ sacct -X --name=broken3 JobID JobName QOS State ExitCode Elapsed NNodes NodeList ------------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- -------------------- 64281800 broken3 ef FAILED 0:53 00:00:02 1 ad6-201
You will need to create the output directory with:
No Format mkdir -p $SCRATCH/broken3output/
Here is an amended version of the job:
Code Block language bash title broken3.sh #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=broken3 #SBATCH --chdir=/scratch/<your_user_id> #SBATCH --output=broken3output/broken3-%J.out #SBATCH --error=broken3output/broken3-%J.out echo "I was broken!"
Check that the actual job run and generated the expected output:
No Format $ grep -v ECMWF-INFO $(ls -1 $SCRATCH/broken3output/broken3-*.out | headtail -n1) I was broken!
You may clean up the output directory with
No Format rm -rf $SCRATCH/broken3output
- If not already on HPCF, open a session on
. Create a new job script
to runxthi
with 32 MPI tasks and 4 OpenMP threads, leaving hyperthreading enabled. Submit it and check the output to ensure the right number of tasks and threads were spawned. Take note of what cpus are used, and how much SBUs you used.Here is a job template to start with:
Code Block language bash title parallel.sh collapse true #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --output=parallel-%j.out #SBATCH --qos=np # Add here the missing SBATCH directives for the relevant resources export OMP_PLACES=threads srun -c $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK ./xthi
Expand title Solution Using your favourite editor, create a file called parallel
with the following content:Code Block language bash title paralell.sh #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --output=parallel-%j.out #SBATCH --qos=np # Add here the missing SBATCH directives for the relevant resources #SBATCH --ntasks=32 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4 export OMP_PLACES=threads srun -c $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK ./xthi
You need to request 32 tasks, and 4 cpus per task in the job. Then we will use srun to spawn our parallel run, which should inherit the job geometry requested, except the
, which must be explicitly passed to srun.You can submit it with sbatch:
No Format sbatch fractionalparallel.sh
The job should be run shortly. When finished, a new file called
should appear in the same directory. You can check the relevant output with:No Format grep -v ECMWF-INFO $(ls -1 parallel-*.out | headtail -n1)
You should see an output similar to:
No Format Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 0 OMP Thread=0 CPU= 0 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 0 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 0 OMP Thread=1 CPU=128 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity=128 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 0 OMP Thread=2 CPU= 1 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 1 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 0 OMP Thread=3 CPU=129 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity=129 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=0 CPU= 2 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 2 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=1 CPU=130 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity=130 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=2 CPU= 3 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 3 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=3 CPU=131 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity=131 ... Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank=30 OMP Thread=0 CPU=116 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=116 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank=30 OMP Thread=1 CPU=244 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=244 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank=30 OMP Thread=2 CPU=117 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=117 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank=30 OMP Thread=3 CPU=245 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=245 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank=31 OMP Thread=0 CPU=118 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=118 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank=31 OMP Thread=1 CPU=246 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=246 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank=31 OMP Thread=2 CPU=119 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=119 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank=31 OMP Thread=3 CPU=247 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=247
Note the following facts:
- Both the main cores (0-127) and hyperthreads (128-256) where were used.
- You get consecutive threads on the same physical CPU (0 with 128, 1 with 129...).
- There are physical cpus entirely unused, since their cpu number does show in the output.
In terms of SBUs, this job cost:
No Format $ grep SBU $(ls -1 parallel-*.out | headtail -n1) [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] SBU : 26.689051
Modify the
job geometry (number of tasks, threads and threadsuse of hyperthreading) so that you fully utilise all the physical cores of the node but none of the hyperthreads, and only those, i.e. 0-127.Expand title Solution Without using hyperthreading, an Atos HPCF node has 128 phyisical cores available. Any combination of tasks and threads that adds up to that figure will fill the node. Examples include 32 tasks x 4 threads, 64 tasks x 2 threads or 128 single-threaded tasks. For this example, we picked the first one:
Code Block language bash title paralell.sh #!/bin/bash
Using your favourite editor, create a file called parallel
with the following content:Code Block language bash title paralell.sh #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --output=parallel-%j.out #SBATCH --qos=np # Add here the missing SBATCH directives for the relevant resources #SBATCH --ntasks=32 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4 #SBATCH --hint=nomultithread export OMP_PLACES=threads srun -c $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK ./xthi
You need to request 32 tasks, and 4 cpus per task in the job. Then we will use srun to spawn our parallel run, which should inherit the job geometry requested, except the
, which must be explicitly passed to srun.You can submit it with sbatch:No Format sbatch fractionalparallel.sh
The job should be run shortly. When finished, a new file called
should appear in the same directory. You can check the relevant output with:No Format grep -v ECMWF-INFO $(ls -1 parallel-*.out | headtail -n1)
You should see an output similar to:
No Format Host=ac2ac3-40462015 MPI Rank= 0 OMP Thread=0 CPU= 0 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 0 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 0 OMP Thread=1 CPU=128 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity=128 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 0 OMP Thread=2 CPU= 1 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 1 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 0 OMP Thread=3 CPU=129 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity=129 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=0 CPU= 2 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 2 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=1 CPU=130 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity=130 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=2 CPU= 3 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 3 Host=ac2-4046 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank= 10 OMP Thread=31 CPU=131 1 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity=131 ... Host=ac2-4046 MPI1 Rank=30 OMP Thread=0 CPU=116 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=116 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank=30 OMP Thread=1 CPU=244 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=244 Host=ac2-4046 MPI Rank=30 OMP Thread=2 CPU=117 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=117 Host=ac2-4046 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank=30 0 OMP Thread=32 CPU=245 2 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=245 Host=ac2-40460 CPU Affinity= 2 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank= 0 OMP Thread=3 CPU= 3 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 3 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=0 CPU= 4 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 4 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=1 CPU= 5 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 5 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=2 CPU= 6 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 6 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank= 1 OMP Thread=3 CPU= 7 NUMA Node=0 CPU Affinity= 7 ... Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank=30 OMP Thread=0 CPU=120 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=120 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank=30 OMP Thread=1 CPU=121 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=121 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank=30 OMP Thread=2 CPU=122 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=122 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank=30 OMP Thread=3 CPU=123 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=123 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank=31 OMP Thread=0 CPU=124 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=124 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank=31 OMP Thread=1 CPU=125 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=125 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank=31 OMP Thread=2 CPU=126 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=126 Host=ac3-2015 MPI Rank=31 OMP Thread=3 CPU=127 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=127
Note the following facts:
- Only the main cores (0-127) were used.
- Each thread gets one and only one cpu pinned to it.
- All the phyisical cores are in use
In terms of SBUs, this job cost:
No Format $ grep SBU $(ls -1 parallel-*.out | tail -n1) [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] SBU : 5.379
Modify the
job geometry so it still runs on the np qos, but only with 2 tasks and 2 threads. Check the SBU cost. Since the execution is 32 times smaller, did it cost 32 times less than the previous? Why?Expand title Solution Let's use the following job:
Code Block language bash title paralell.sh #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --output=parallel-%j.out #SBATCH --qos=np # Add here the missing SBATCH directives for the relevant resources #SBATCH --ntasks=2 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2 #SBATCH --hint=nomultithread export OMP_PLACES=threads srun -c $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK ./xthi
You can submit it with sbatch:
No Format sbatch fractional.sh
The job should be run shortly. When finished, a new file called
should appear in the same directory. You can check the relevant output with:No Format grep -v ECMWF-INFO $(ls -1 parallel-*.out | tail -n1)
You should see an output similar to:
No Format Host=ac2-3073 MPI Rank=310 OMP Thread=0 CPU=118 0 NUMA Node=70 CPU Affinity=118 0 Host=ac2-40463073 MPI Rank=310 OMP Thread=1 CPU=246 1 NUMA Node=70 CPU Affinity=246 1 Host=ac2-40463073 MPI Rank=311 OMP Thread=20 CPU=11916 NUMA Node=71 CPU Affinity=11916 Host=ac2-40463073 MPI Rank=311 OMP Thread=3 CPU=247 NUMA Node=7 CPU Affinity=247
Note the following facts:
- Both the main cores (0-127) and hyperthreads (128-256) where used.
- You get consecutive threads on the same physical CPU (0 with 128, 1 with 129...).
There are physical cpus entirely unused, since their cpu number does show in the output.1 CPU=17 NUMA Node=1 CPU Affinity=17
In terms of SBUs, this job cost:
No Format $ grep SBU $(ls -1 parallel-*.out | headtail -n1) [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] SBU : 2.6894.034
This is in a similar scale to the previous one which 32 times bigger one. The reason behind it is that on the np QoS the allocation is done in full nodes. The SBU cost takes into account the allocated nodes for a given period of time, no matter how they are used.