Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Create a directory for this tutorial so all the exercises and outputs are contained inside:

    No Format
    mkdir ~/batch_tutorial
    cd ~/batch_tutorial

  2. Create and submit a job called with just default settings that runs the command hostname. Can you find the output and inspect it? Where did your job run?


    Using your favourite editor, create a file called with the following content

    Code Block

    You can submit it with sbatch:

    No Format

    The job should be run shortly. When finished, a new file called slurm-<jobid>.out should appear in the same directory. You can check the output with:

    No Format
    $ cat $(ls -r1 slurm-*.out | head -n1)
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] This is the ECMWF job Epilogue
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] +++ Please report issues using the Support portal +++
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] +++                     +++
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Run at 2023-10-25T11:31:53 on ecs
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] JobName                   :
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] JobID                     : 64273363
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Submit                    : 2023-10-25T11:31:36
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Start                     : 2023-10-25T11:31:51
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] End                       : 2023-10-25T11:31:53
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] QueuedTime                : 15.0
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ElapsedRaw                : 2
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ExitCode                  : 0:0
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] DerivedExitCode           : 0:0
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] State                     : COMPLETED
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] Account                   : myaccount
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] QOS                       : ef
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] User                      : user
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] StdOut                    : /etc/ecmwf/nfs/dh1_home_a/user/slurm-64273363.out
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] StdErr                    : /etc/ecmwf/nfs/dh1_home_a/user/slurm-64273363.out
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] NNodes                    : 1
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] NCPUS                     : 2
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] SBU                       : 0.011
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    You can then see that the script has run on a different node than the one you are on.

    If you repeat the operation, you may get your job to run on a different node every time, whichever happens to be free at the time.

  3. Configure your job to direct the output to simplest-<jobid>.out, the error to simplest-<jobid>.err both in the same directory, and the job name to just "simplest". Note you will need to use a special placeholder for the -<jobid>.


    Using your favourite editor, open the job script and add the relevant #SBATCH directives:

    Code Block
    #SBATCH --job-name=simplest
    #SBATCH --output=simplest-%j.out
    #SBATCH --output=simplest-%j.err

    You can submit it again with:

    No Format

    After a few moments, you should see the new files appear in your directory (job id will be different than the one displayed here):

    No Format
    $ ls simplest-*.*
    simplest-64274497.err  simplest-64274497.out

    You can check that the job name was also changed in the end of job report:

    No Format
    $ grep -i jobname $(ls -r1 simplest-*.err | head -n1)
    [ECMWF-INFO -ecepilog] JobName                   : simplest

Basic job management

  1. From a terminal session outside the Atos HPCF or ECS your VDI or computer, submit the job remotely. What hostname should you use?


    You must use hpc-batch for HPCF job submissions, or ecs-batch for remote submissions:

    No Format
    ssh hpc-batch "cd ~/batch_tutorial; sbatch"

    No Format
    ssh ecs-batch "cd ~/batch_tutorial; sbatch"

    Note the change of directory so both the job script, the working directory of the job and its outputs are generated in the right place. 

    An alternative way of doing this without changing directory would be to tell sbatch to do it for you:

    No Format
    ssh hpc-batch sbatch -D ~/batch_tutorial ~/batch_tutorial/

    or for ECS:

    No Format
    ssh ecs-batch sbatch -D ~/batch_tutorial ~/batch_tutorial/

Basic job management

  1. Create a new job script with the contents below:

    Code Block
    sleep 120

  2. Submit to the batch system and check its status. Once it is running, cancel it and inspect the output.


    You can submit your job with:

    No Format

    You can then check the state of your job with squeue:

    No Format
    squeue -j <jobid>

    if you use the <jobid> of the job you just submitted, or just:

    No Format
    squeue --me

    to list all your jobs.

    To cancel your job, just run scancel:

    No Format
    scancel <jobid>

    If you inspect the output file from your last job, you will see a message like the following:

    No Format
    slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 64281137 ON ab6-202 CANCELLED AT 2023-10-25T15:40:51 ***

  3. Can you get information about the jobs you have run so far today, including those that have finished already?


    When jobs finish, they will not appear in the squeue output any longer. You can then check the Accounting Database with sacct:

    No Format

    With no arguments, this command will show you the list of all jobs run by you on this day. 

    In the output you may see or more entries 3 entries such as:

    No Format

    Create a new job script with the contents below:

    Code Block
    sleep 120

    Submit to the batch system and check its status. Once it is running, cancel it and inspect the output.


    Using your favourite editor, create job script with the contents above. Then you can submit it with:

    No Format

    You can then check the state of your job with squeue:

    No Format
    squeue -j <jobid>

    if you use the <jobid> of the job you just submitted, or just:

    No Format
    squeue --me

    to list all your jobs.

    To cancel your job, just run scancel:

    No Format
    scancel <jobid>

    If you inspect the output file from your last job, you will see a message like the following:

    No Format
    slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 64281137 ON ab6-202 CANCELLED AT 2023-10-25T15:40:51 ***

    Can you get information about the jobs you have run so far today, including those that have finished already?


    When jobs finish, they will not appear in the squeue output any longer. You can then check the Accounting Database with sacct:

    No Format

    With no arguments, this command will show you the list of all jobs run by you on this day. 

    In the output you may see or more entries 3 entries such as:

    No Format
    JobID                 JobName       QOS      State ExitCode    Elapsed   NNodes             NodeList 
    ------------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- -------------------- 
    64281137       JobName   ef CANCELLED+   QOS   0:0   00:00:16State ExitCode    Elapsed   1NNodes              ab6-202            batch   NodeList 
    ------------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- -------------------- 
    64281137          ef CANCELLED+      0:150   00:00:1716        1              ab6-202 
    64281137.exba+           extern batch           COMPLETED CANCELLED     0:015   00:00:1617        1              ab6-202 
    64281137.ex+           extern            COMPLETED      0:0   00:00:16        1              ab6-202 

    The first one corresponds to the job itself. The second one (always named batch) corresponds to the actual job script and the third (named extern) corresponds to the external step used to generate the end of job information. You may have The first one corresponds to the job itself. The second one (always named batch) corresponds to the actual job script and the third (named extern) corresponds to the external step used to generate the end of job information. You may have more lines if your job contains more steps, which typically correspond to srun parallel executions.

    If you want to list just the entry for the job itself, you can do:

    No Format
    sacct -X

  4. Can you get information of all the jobs run today by you that were cancelled? 


    You can filter jobs by state with the -s option. But If you run it naively:

    No Format
    sacct -X -t CANCELLED

    You will get no output. That is because when using state you must also specify the start and end times of your query period. You can then do something like:

    No Format
    sacct -X -s CANCELLED -S $(date +%Y-%m-%d) -E $(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)

  5. The default information shown on the screen when querying past jobs is limited. Can you extract the submit, start, and end times of your cancelled jobs today? What about their output and error path? Hint: use the corresponding man page for all the options.


    You can use the following command to see all the possible output fields you can query for:

    No Format
    sacct -e

    While there are dedicated fields for the job submit, start and end times, there is none for the output and error paths. However, the AdminComment field is used to carry that information. Since it is a long field, you may want to pass a length to the fieldname to avoid truncation:

    No Format
    sacct -X -s CANCELLED -S $(date +%Y-%m-%d) -E $(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S) -o jobid,jobname,state,submit,start,end,AdminComment%150

    or you can also ask for a parsable output:

    No Format
    sacct -X -s CANCELLED -S $(date +%Y-%m-%d) -E $(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S) -o jobid,jobname,state,submit,start,end,AdminComment -p

Common pitfalls

titleReference Documentation

HPC2020: Writing SLURM jobs

We will now attempt to troubleshoot some issues

  1. Create a new job script with the contents below and try to submit the job. What happened? Can you fix the job and keep trying until it runs successfully?

    Code Block
    #SBATCH --job-name = broken 1
    #SBATCH --output = broken1-%J.out
    #SBATCH --error = broken1-%J.out
    #SBATCH --qos = express
    #SBATCH --time = 00:05:00 
    echo "I was broken!"


    The job above has the following problems:

    • There is no shebang at the beginning of the script.
    • There should be no spaces in the directives
    • There should be no space
    • QoS "express" does not exist

    Here is an amended version:

    Code Block
    #SBATCH --job-name=broken1
    #SBATCH --output=broken1-%J.out
    #SBATCH --error=broken1-%J.out
    #SBATCH --time=00:05:00 
    echo "I was broken!"

    Note that the QoS line was removed, but you may also use the following if running on ECS:

    No Format
    #SBATCH --qos=ef

    or the alternatively, if on Atos HPCF:

    No Format
    #SBATCH --qos=nf

    Check that the actual job run and generated the expected output:

    No Format
    $ grep -v ECMWF-INFO  $(ls -1 broken1-*.out | head -n1)
    I was broken!

  2. Create a new job script with the contents below and try to submit the job. What happened? Can you fix the job and keep trying until it runs successfully?

    Code Block
    #SBATCH --job-name=broken2
    #SBATCH --output=broken2-%J.out
    #SBATCH --error=broken2-%J.out
    #SBATCH --qos=ns
    #SBATCH --time=10-00
    echo "I was broken!"


    The job above has the following problems:

    • QoS "ns" does not exist. Either remove to use the default or use the corresponding queue on ECS (ef) or HPCF (nf)
    • The time requested is 10 days, which is longer than the maximum allowed. it was probably meant to be 10 minutes

    Here is an amended version:

    Code Block
    #SBATCH --job-name=broken2
    #SBATCH --output=broken2-%J.out
    #SBATCH --error=broken2-%J.out
    #SBATCH --time=10:00
    echo "I was broken!"

    Again, note that the QoS line was removed, but you may also use the following if running on ECS:

    No Format
    #SBATCH --qos=ef

    or the alternatively, if on Atos HPCF:

    No Format
    #SBATCH --qos=nf

    Check that the actual job run and generated the expected output:

    No Format
    $ grep -v ECMWF-INFO  $(ls -1 broken2-*.out | head -n1)
    I was broken!

  3. Create a new job script with the contents below and try to submit the job. What happened? Can you fix the job and keep trying until it runs successfully?

    Code Block
    #SBATCH --job-name=broken3
    #SBATCH --chdir=$SCRATCH
    #SBATCH --output=broken3output/broken3-%J.out
    #SBATCH --error=broken3output/broken3-%J.out
    echo "I was broken!"


    The job above has the following problems:

    • Variables are not expanded on job directives. You must specify your paths explicitly
    • The directory where the output and error files will go must exist beforehand. Otherwise the job will fail but you will not get any hint as to what may have happened to the job. The only hint would be if checking sacct:

      No Format
      $ sacct -X --name=broken3
      JobID sacct -X --name=broken3
      JobID                 JobName       QOS      State ExitCode    Elapsed   NNodes             NodeList 
      ------------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- -------------------- 
      64281800              broken3   JobName     ef  QOS   FAILED   State ExitCode 0:53   Elapsed 00:00:02  NNodes        1     NodeList 
      ------------ ---------------- --------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- -------------------- 
      64281800              broken3        ef     FAILED     0:53   00:00:02        1              ad6-201 

    You will need to create the output directory with:

    No Format
    mkdir -p $SCRATCH/broken3output/
    Here is an amended version of the job
    •          ad6-201 

    You will need to create the output directory with:

    No Format
    mkdir -p $SCRATCH/broken3output/

    Here is an amended version of the job:

    Code Block
    #SBATCH --job-name=broken3
    #SBATCH --chdir=/scratch/<your_user_id>
    #SBATCH --output=broken3output/broken3-%J.out
    #SBATCH --error=broken3output/broken3-%J.out
    echo "I was broken!"

    Check that the actual job run and generated the expected output:

    No Format
    $ grep -v ECMWF-INFO  $(ls -1 $SCRATCH/broken3output/broken3-*.out | head -n1)
    I was broken!

    You may clean up the output directory with

    No Format
    rm -rf $SCRATCH/broken3output

Understanding your limits

Although most limits are described in HPC2020: Batch system, you can also check them (or reach them) for yourself in the system.

  1. Create a new job script with a time limit of 1 minute:

    Code Block
    /bash #SBATCH --job-name=broken3 #SBATCH --chdir=/scratch/<your_user_id> #SBATCH --output=broken3output/broken3-%J.out
    #SBATCH --
    error=broken3output/broken3-%J.out echo "I was broken!"
    perl -e '$a="A"x(300*1024*1024/2); sleep'

  2. Submit to the batch system and check its status. Is it still running after one minute? Why?

    rm -rf $SCRATCH/broken3output


    You can submit it with:

    No Format

    You can then monitor the state of your job with watch and squeue:

    No Format
    watch -n 10 squeue -j <jobid>

    You can see that the job is not killed after one minute, and keeps going beyond. The reason of that is in:

    Check that the actual job run and generated the expected output:

    No Format
    $ grep -v ECMWF-INFO  $(ls -1 $SCRATCH/broken3output/broken3-*.out | head -n1)
    I was broken!

    You may clean up the output directory with

    No Format