Versions Compared


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Atos HPCF and ECS computing platforms offer a wide range of software, libraries and tools. Let's go through some exercises to learn how to manage your software stack.

Table of Contents

Basic software environment management

  1. You want to use CDO, a popular tool to manipulate climate and NWP model data. What do you need to do to get the following result?

    No Format
    $ cdo --version
    Climate Data Operators version X.Y.Z (
    System: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu


    If you run the command without any prior action, you may get:

    No Format
    $ cdo --version
    -bash: cdo: command not found

    Many software packages and tools are not part of your default environment, and need to be explicitly loaded via modules.

    So the following commands would be sufficient to get to the desired result:

    No Format
    module load cdo
    cdo --version

    titleml shortcut

    You can also use the ml shortcut to load the module

    No Format
    ml cdo

    Note that we did not ask for any specific version. In those cases, you will get the one defined as default.

  2. How many versions of CDO can be used at ECMWF? Can you pick the newest?


    There are hundreds of different packages with their corresponding different versions installed at ECMWF. You can use:

    No Format
    module avail

    To see what modules can be loaded at any time.

    However, not all modules can be loaded at any time, some will only become available if a certain combination of modules is loaded.

    You can also use the following command for an overview or all the packages that are installed, including those that may not be visible in module avail:

    No Format
    module spider

    In this case we are only interested in CDO so we can do either:

    No Format
    module avail cdo


    No Format
    module spider cdo

    To load the newest, you can either explicitly pick up the latest version explicitly, so assuming that it was "X.Y.Z":

    No Format
    module load cdo/X.Y.Z

    But you can also use the module tag "new":

    No Format
    module load cdo/new

    or also ask for the latest with:

    No Format
    module --latest load cdo

    titleNo swap needed

    If you had another version of the module loaded, the system will automatically swap it by the new one requested.

  3. Load the netcdf4 module. Can you see what modules do you have loaded in your environment now?


    To load the netcdf4 module just do:

    No Format
    module load netcdf4

    Then, you can see what your software environment looks like with:

    No Format
    module list

    or with just the shortcut:

    No Format

    You should see both the CDO and netcdf4, beside the default modules loaded in your environment.

  4. Remove the netcdf4 module from your environment and check it is gone.


    To unload the netcdf4 module just do:

    No Format
    module unload netcdf4

    or with just the shortcut:

    No Format
    ml -netcdf4

    Then, you can see what your software environment looks like with:

    No Format
    module list

  5. Can you check what is the installation directory of the default netCDF4 library? 


    All modules at ECMWF will define a <PACKAGE_NAME>_DIR environment variable that can be useful to pass to configuration fiiles or scripts. Packages providing libraries such as netCDF4 will also typically define <PACKAGE_NAME>_LIB and <PACKAGE_NAME>_INCLUDE.

    You can check the values of all those variables that a module would define without loading it running:

    No Format
    module show netcdf4

    or with just the shortcut:

    No Format
    ml show netcdf4

    You can then spot there the value of NETCDF4_DIR pointing to /usr/local/apps/netcdf4/X.Y.Z/COMPILER_FAMILY/COMPILER_VERSION

  6. Can you restore the default environment you had when you logged in? Check that the environment is back to the desired state.


    If you log out of your session, next time you log in you will start with a fresh default environment. Modules are only loaded for that specific session.

    However, if you don't want to log out, you can also reset your module environment with:

    No Format
    module reset

    You can then check the effects with

    No Format
    module list

    titlereset vs purge

    There is a subtile difference between module reset and module purge. While the former will go back the default environment, which typically contains some default modules, the latter will completely unload all modules and leave you with a blank environment.

ECMWF tools

titleReference documentation

HPC2020: ECMWF software and libraries

  1. Can you run codes_info tool, which is part of ecCodes?


    If you run the command without any prior action, you may get:

    No Format
    $ codes_info
    -bash: codes_info: command not found

    ecCodes, along with other ECMWF tools such as Metview or Magics are bundled into the ECMWF toolbox. You need to load that module in order to access them:

    No Format
    module load ecmwf-toolbox

  2. Can you see what versions of ECMWF software are part of that module?


    You can use the help option in modules to get additional information from the module, which in the case of the ecmwf-toolbox will include the versions of all the packages in the bundle:

    No Format
    module help ecmwf-toolbox

    or with just the shortcut:

    No Format
    ml help ecmwf-toolbox

  3. Can you run the ecflow_client command and get the version?


    ecFlow is not part of the ecmwf-toolbox module. Since It has its own standalone module, you will need to load that separately:

    No Format
    module load ecflow

    or with just the shortcut:

    No Format
    ml ecflow

    Once the module is loaded, you can get the version with:

    No Format
    ecflow_client --version

Python and Conda

titleReference documentation

HPC2020: Python support

  1. Try to run the command below. Why does it fail? Can you make it work without installing pandas yourself?

    No Format
    $ python3 -c "import pandas as pd; print(pd.__version__)"
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'


    The system Python 3 installation is very limited and does not come with many popular extra packages such as pandas. You may use the Python3 stack available in modules, which comes with almost 400 of those extra packages :

    No Format
    module load python3

    After that, if you repeat the command it should complete successfully and print pandas version.

    No Format
    python3 -c "import pandas as pd; print(pd.__version__)"

  2. You need to use the latest version of pandas to run a given application. What can you do (without using conda)?


    In that case you could use pip to install it yourself. However, installing it directly into your user environment is highly discouraged since it may interfere with other applications you may run or after default software updates on the system side. Instead, for small additions to the default environment it is much more robust to use a python virtual environment.

    In this case, you may create a virtual environment based on the installations provided, and just add the new version of pandas:

    No Format
    module load python3
    mkdir -p $PERM/venvs
    cd $PERM/venvs
    python3 -m venv --system-site-packages myvenv

    Then you can activate it only when you need it with:

    No Format
    source $PERM/venvs/myenv/bin/activate

    Note that we used $PERM/venvs as the location of these virtual environments, but you may decide to put them in another location. 

    With the environment activated, you can now install the new version of pandas:

    No Format
    pip install -U pandas

    Then you can rerun the version command to check you got the latest

    No Format
    python3 -c "import pandas as pd; print(pd.__version__)"

    When you have finished with your environment, you can deactivate it with:

    No Format

  3. You may also use conda to create your own software stack with python packages and beyond. In order to use conda, you can load the corresponding module:

    No Format
    module load conda

    What happened?


    While conda may be seen as a way to set up custom Python environments, it also manages software beyond that, installing other packages and libraries not necessarily related to Python itself.

    Because those may conflict with the software made available through modules, loading the conda module effectively disables all the other modules that may be loaded in your environment.

    You have seen how the module system may have disabled a number of modules. You can also check it by running:

    No Format
    module list

    You would then need to install everything you need to run your application or workflow in your conda environment.

    If you want to go back to the previous environment without conda but with all the other modules, the recommended way is to reset the environment and then load explicitly all the necessary modules again

    No Format
    module reset
    module load python3

  4. Create your new conda environment with latest pandas in it. Check the version Hint: you can also use mamba to speed up the environment creation process


    In that case you could use pip to install it yourself. However, installing it directly into your user environment is highly discouraged since it may interfere with other applications you may run or after default software updates on the system side. Instead, for small additions to the default environment it is much more robust to use a python virtual environment.

    In this case, you may create a virtual environment based on the installations provided, and just add the new version of pandas:

    No Format
    mamba create -n mypandas -c conda-forge python pandas
    conda activate mypandas
    python3 -c "import pandas as pd; print(pd.__version__)"

Using Containerised applications

titleReference documentation

HPC2020: Container support
