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- Perturbations based on singular vectors (SV) and perturbations based on ensemble of data assimilations (EDA) have different characteristics:
- Geographically, perturbations based on EDAs are less localised than based perturbations based on SVs. In particular, they have a larger amplitude over the tropics.
- Spectrally, perturbations based on EDAs are smaller in scale.
- Vertically, perturbations based on EDAs are more barotropic than perturbations based on SVs. Perturbations based on SVs show westward tilt with height typical of baroclinically unstable structures.
- At initial time, SV-based perturbations have a larger amplitude in potential energy than kinetic energy; perturbations based on EDA -based perturbations have a similar amplitude in potential and kinetic energy.
- EDA perturbations grow less rapidly.
An EDA-based ensemble underestimates the ensemble spread.- More reliable and accurate forecasts are obtained with a combination of EDA- and SV-based perturbations (operational since Jun 2010).
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