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Fig8.1.10-6: Multiplots of ensemble probability of type of precipitation forecasts all verifying at 12UTC 21 February 2018 from a series of ensemble forecast runs at 24hr intervals. As lead-time increases the more hazardous, less common types of precipitation are less prominent or do not appear, and greys (total probability <50%) are more prominent.
However, IFS models is able to predict freezing rain several days in advance despite the finely balanced vertical thermodynamics structure required.
Fig8.1.10-7: Sequence of precipitation types DT:00UTC 04 March 2023. VTs:00UTC 04 Mar (T+00) to 12UTC 06 Mar (T+60). Precipitation type shown by colours.
Interpretation of colouring on charts
Freezing drizzle can be as much of a hazard as freezing rain. The "Probability of Freezing Rain" option on ecCharts can show 0% when the default threshold is used. Freezing drizzle can be seen if a very low threshold (say >0.01mm in previous 6hr) is applied.
Fig:8.1.10-13 ecCharts presentation of ensemble forecast of probability of freezing rain accumulations, threshold 0.01 mm in previous 6 hr, DT 12UTC 24 January 2023, T+21 VT 09UTC 25 January 2023. The vertical profile at Reading (located by the pin) shows a saturated layer of stratus at about 950 hPa with temperature above 0°C. Very slight precipitation produced from the stratus by the model falls through an underlying sub-zero layer near the surface. The model gave above 65% probability of very light freezing precipitation. Freezing drizzle was observed at Reading during the period.