- The Metview-Vis5D interface has been replaced with an interface to the VAPOR software; see 3D visualisation with VAPOR
- Native plotting support for satellite projection images - the workaround is to use the Reprojection module to reproject the data onto a regular lat/lon grid, then plot this onto a Geo View using the Geos projection. This is currently limited to having its centre at zero degrees longitude.
- Hovmoeller, cross section, zonal/meridional mean and vertical profile plots only generate a plot for the first set of data supplied. In Metview 3 for instance, you could supply a time series of vertical level data to the Cross Section module and receive one plot per time step; now, only the first time step will be plotted. The workaround is to write some Macro code to loop through the steps/parameters/etc and generate one plot at a time.
- The Satellite View is not available - see above
- The Contents Drawer is not available from the Display Window
Parameters Title, Vertical Axis and Horizontal Axis are no longer available in the user interface because they are not part of the data computation. If the icon action is visualise then default values for these parameters will be used. To customise the title and/or axes use icons Text Plotting and Cartesian View, respectively.