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Please refer to the Milestone note for DE-EDT-5-22.M2 for full details on the usage of the Polytope service to retrieve DestinE data from the archive.

Below are several examples of key-value pairs which would be used as the "request" within the polytope service.

Surface fields

Retrieve "Sea ice area fraction" (param 31; grid O8000) and "Sea surface temperature" (param 34; grid O8000) at step 0 (0 hours after run start: 2018-11-01, 00:00:00):

Code Block
request = {
  'class' : 'rd',
  'date' : '2018-11-01',
  'expver' : 'hs3g',
  'levtype' : 'sfc',
  'param' : '31/34',
  'step' : '0',
  'stream' : 'oper',
  'time' : '00:00:00',
  'type' : 'fc'

Model level fields

Retrieve "Pressure" (param 54; grid TCO7999) for the lowest 10 model levels at step 6 (6 hours after run start: 2018-11-01, 06:00:00):

Code Block
request = {
  'class' : 'rd',
  'date' : '2018-11-01',
  'expver' : 'hs3g',
  'levelist': '128/to/137',
  'levtype' : 'ml',
  'param' : '54',
  'step' : '6',
  'stream' : 'oper',
  'time' : '00:00:00',
  'type' : 'fc'

Pressure level fields

Retrieve "Specific humidity" (param 133; grid O8000) for the lowest 10 pressure levels at step 24 (24 hours after run start: 2018-11-02, 00:00:00):

Code Block
request = {
  'class' : 'rd',
  'date' : '2018-11-01',
  'expver' : 'hs3g',
  'levelist': '150/200/250/300/400/500/700/850/925/1000',
  'levtype' : 'pl',
  'param' : '133',
  'step' : '24',
  'stream' : 'oper',
  'time' : '00:00:00',
  'type' : 'fc'

Additional request keywords

titleRegridding can be used on spectral data only

Please note that the following keywords can be used only on data on the TCO7999 spectral grid. Please see the data catalogue for more information

See the milestone note DE-EDT-5-22.M2 for other keywords which can be used to retrieve parameters on the spectral  TCO7999 grid only at a coarsened resolution or for a reduced area. For example:

  • To use a coarsened 1° x 1° lat/long grid, use the keyword:
    • 'grid' : '1.0/1.0'
  • To extract data for a given area, for example Europe, use the keyword:

    • 'area' : '73.5/-27/33/45'