Versions Compared


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Image Modified

For EFAS v4.0, some of LISFLOOD static maps have been updated to include the Jordan catchment area and improve the river network in the Balkans;  new maps have also been added to replace default model parameters.

Mask area

The mask area describes LISFLOOD model domain and it contains all the cells that are included in LISFLOOD computation. This map was updated to slightly enlarge the model domain of EFAS v3.0, including the Jordan catchment.

For all the cells included in the mask, results of LISFLOOD model are available.

Figure 4.3 - EFAS v4.0 domain area with newly added area in purple.

Outlets map

This is the map containing LISFLOOD EFAS v4.0 calibration points (see EFAS v4.0 calibration stations). Each model pixel corresponding to a calibration point (i.e. a river gauge) is included in the map with the stations code and time series are produced by LISFLOOD model in addition to output maps.

Reservoirs map

LISFLOOD model for EFAS v4.0 includes 1423 reservoirs. Compared to the previous EFAS v3.5 version, three additional reservoirs were added on the Sava river downstream of Zagreb to better represent the effects of large retention areas. In the map each reservoir is assigned to a cell in LISFLOOD drainage network and the reservoir ID is used to link the map to the reservoirs parameters and information.

Figure 4.4 - EFAS v4.0 - Location of reservoirs

Lakes map

LISFLOOD model for EFAS v4.0 includes 210 lakes.  In the map each lake is assigned to a cell in LISFLOOD drainage network and the lake ID is used to link the map to the lakes parameters and information.

Figure 4.5 - EFAS v4.0 -  Location of lakes

Local drain direction map (LDD)

The local drain direction map (LDD) describes how model cells are connected. For each cell the map contains the flow direction to its steepest down slope neighbour represented as a number from 1 to 9. For EFAS v4.0, representation of rivers network in LISFLOOD in Albania and in Kupa river (Sava catchment) were improved.

Upstream area map

The upstream area map is derived from the local drain direction map (LDD) and it describes the upstream area drained by each model pixel. It also represents the most immediate way of graphically represent LISFLOOD drainage network and it generally replaces the LDD for this scope. EFAS v4.0 upstream area map reflects the changes to the LDD in Albania and in Kupa river (Sava catchment). In Albania Drin-Buna and Seman rivers were flowing in the wrong direction. EFAS notifications were consequently issued for the wrong area and were missing the densely inhabited area crossed by Seman river and the lower area of Drin-Buna catchment. For Kupa river the catchment area was reduced to better reproduce the effective area of the catchment and improve modelling results on the Sava river and ultimately on the Danube.

Figure 4.6 - EFAS v4.0 drainage network



Figure 4.7 - EFAS drainage area in Albania for a) EFAS v3.5 and  b) EFAS v4.0



Figure 4.8 - EFAS drainage area in Kupa river catchment for a) EFAS v3.5 and  b) EFAS v4.0

Channels geometry and hydraulic properties maps

As a consequence to the changes to the LDD map, all maps derived from LDD or related to the upstream area were updated. The list of updated maps include: Manning's coefficient for river bed, bottom width, floodplain width and bankful depth for rivers. For all maps the method described in Arnal at al. 2019 was used for the updates and changes only affected pixels were the original LDD or the upstream area were modified.

Environmental flow

Environmental flow map is used in LISFLOOD to prevent water abstraction when river flow is too low to sustain it. The maps was updated based on the 10th percentile statistics of current reference run with naturalised conditions, no human abstractions nor reservoirs (map was provided by JRC).  The map is currently not used in EFAS v4.0 setup.

Groundwater map

The groundwater map represents the presence of an aquifers in the cell and it's used in LISFLOOD to smooth the effect of water extraction on the lower groundwater zone near extraction areas. The maps was updated based on a newer interpretation of the groundwater map of BGM (map was provided by JRC). The map is currently not used in EFAS v4.0 setup.

Leakage fraction map

The leakage fraction map describes the percentage leakage in public supply networks, which then triggers more water abstraction to meet the water demand. The leakage fraction was updated with a new map based on MS reporting (map was provided by JRC) and it replaced the constant value (20%) previously used in EFAS v3.5. The map is currently not used in EFAS v4.0 setup.