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Comparing the spots (=cyclonic features) between the two renderings on Fig8.1.15.1-1 we see some differences. In general the substantial features (large dots) are the same, whilst the other (small dot) features, that are innately weaker, are more liable to differ slightly. Differences are essentially random and relate to identification algorithm sensitivities. These algorithms can respond one way or another when one of the identifying thresholds required for feature acceptance is on the borderline of being met. Most thresholds relate to field values (e.g. computed thermal gradient), although one defines a minimum separation distance between features. One cannot say that one plot is better than the other. When looking at an ensemble (e.g. on dalmatian Dalmatian charts) such random differences will tend to cancel, and so are unlikely to change user interpretation (e.g. see Fig8.1.15.1-3)