The GloFAS v4.0 hydrological model performance was evaluated in the model calibration context in GloFAS v4 calibration hydrological model performance, using only the 1995 stations involved in the calibration and only over the specific periods related to , verified using the full longterm run (produced within the calibration excercise) and the KGE and the three component scores.
On this page, the model performance is analysed over the whole period of final v4.0 reanalysis time series (which is not expected to be noticeably different to the one used in the calibration evaluation). In addition, all stations are considered here, which have at least 1 year of good enough quality observation data in the 1979-2021 , with any available observations that met the quality criteria, specified in the verification methodology page (place holder GloFAS hydrological performance verification methodology). In period, without larger noticeable impact of reservoirs or lakes. In total, 1987 stations were used considered for the general v4.0 verificaiton verification and 1949 for the v4.0 vs v3.1 model comparison, with at least 1 year of quality checked data and minimum reservoir or lake influence. For the verification methodology and used metrics please see the page . Details on the station selection and other aspects of the verification, including the used metrics, are available on the verification methodology page (place holder GloFAS hydrological performance verification methodology).
General v4.0 performance