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Forecasters should consider possible deficiencies in model climates when considering extreme forecast index EFI data. For an example of the effect, see Fig534.A and Fig534.BFig5.3.4-1 and Fig5.3.4-2. Such effects have also appeared in the extended range ensemble and seasonal forecasts.
Fig534.A(left)Fig5.3.4-1: Extreme Forecast Index (EFI) for 2m temperature for Days10-15, ensemble forecast run DT 00UTC 20 June 2017.
Fig534.B(right)Fig5.3.4-2(: Cumulative Distribution Function(CDF) for 2 m temperature for Days10-15 in the middle of Lake Superior (red), with M-climate (black). The initialisation techniques are different for real-time forecasts (using lake surface temperature observed by satellites), and for the re-forecasts (for which this information is not available). This can lead to the model climate developing anomalously warm or cold lake surfaces and corrwspomdimg 2 m CDF temperature curve (black). This affects subsequent extreme forecast index (EFI) and shift of tails (SOT) fields. Here the realistic real-time forecast of 2 m temperature CDF (red) over Lake Superior is thus incorrectly flagged as having a strongly negative EFI value in Fig5.3.4-1(left).
More information is given in Documentation and a full description of ERA5.