paramId | shortName | name | units | concept | alternative |
162055 | viwv | Vertical integral of water vapour | kg m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=55 | |
174009 | ssro | Sub-surface runoff | kg m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=174, parameterNumber=9 | |
228080 | aco2nee | Accumulated Carbon Dioxide Net Ecosystem Exchange | kg m**-2 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=192, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | 435002 with constituentType=3 |
228081 | aco2gpp | Accumulated Carbon Dioxide Gross Primary Production | kg m**-2 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=193, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | 436002 with constituentType=3 |
228082 | aco2rec | Accumulated Carbon Dioxide Ecosystem Respiration | kg m**-2 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=194, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | 437002 with constituentType=3 |
228083 | fco2nee | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Net Ecosystem Exchange | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=195 | 435000 with constituentType=3 |
228084 | fco2gpp | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Gross Primary Production | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=197 | 436000 with constituentType=3 |
228085 | fco2rec | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Ecosystem Respiration | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=196 | 437000 with constituentType=3 |
260051 | csrwe | Convective snowfall rate water equivalent | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=55 | |
260052 | lssrwe | Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=56, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | |
260185 | soilw | Volumetric soil moisture content | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=9 | 260199 |
260201 | uplst | Upper layer soil temperature | K | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=1 | |
260202 | uplsm | Upper layer soil moisture | kg m**-3 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=2 | |
260203 | lowlsm | Lower layer soil moisture | kg m**-3 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=3 | |
260204 | botlst | Bottom layer soil temperature | K | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=4 | |
260205 | soill | Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=5 | 260210 |
260207 | smref | Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=7 | |
260208 | smdry | Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=8 | |
260209 | poros | Soil porosity | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=9 |