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The weekly anomaly charts (2m temperature, surface temperature, total precipitation, mean sea level pressure) display the anomaly between the forecast weekly mean and the corresponding weekly mean in the ER-M-climate. The charts are "clickable". Clicking the mouse over any location on the ensemble charts will produce probability information in diagrammatic form. Diagrams available:
The weekly anomaly probability charts (2m temperature, surface temperature, total precipitation, mean sea level pressure) display the probability that the weekly mean anomalies are greater than zero (i.e. the proportion of ensemble members warmer or wetter etc than ER-M-climate). A particular consideration when using the precipitation charts is that the range of colours available for "below average" anomalies (brown colours) is constrained by the local climatology in the ER-M-climate. For example if all ENS members showed a dry week, the mean (-ve) anomaly could be no larger in magnitude than the mean in the ER-M-climate. So in some locations the strongest dry signal one can ever see will only be in the first or the second of the brown shades.