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Differences between cycles.
This section highlights the changes introduced by the latest cycle. This helps the user to understand and take into account differences between forecast data from the earlier cycle and that from the latest cycle.
Cycle 43r3 and earlier
Large scale precipitation
In warm airmasses, due to issues loosely related to aerosol, precipitation accumulations were:
Impact of coupling between IFS Atmospheric and Ocean models
HRES (ECMWF forecasts cycle 43r3 and earlier) was not coupled with NEMO but retained the initial sea-surface temperature anomalies throughout the forecast period. HRES tended to overdeepen relatively slow-moving tropical cyclones (due to the lack of ocean/atmosphere coupling in HRES which often kept the ocean too warm when it should be cooling). In reality the strong winds and slow movement would induce turbulent mixing of the very warm surface waters with cooler waters from deeper in the ocean, reducing sea-surface temperatures, and hence inducing less deepening of the storm. ENS was and continues to be coupled with the ocean and didn't suffer from this problem.
HRES values used to look plausible but had to be used with caution. In the case of NORU (Fig8.1.10.14) HRES predicted the tropical storm to deepen below 900 hPa but one would have expected this to be exaggerated given the slow movement of NORU together with the absence of ocean coupling at that time in HRES (and also the fact that NORU was then remote from land).
Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter (SKEB)
SKEB provided a numerical description of the physical process of upscale kinetic energy transfer. In the real atmosphere, that process has been observed to occur at all scales. In the numerical model, there is no mechanism to enable energy to transfer from the sub-grid scales to the resolved scales. SKEB represented the uncertainty associated with this "missing" process by randomly perturbing the rotational flow (via the streamfunction), with perturbations that were modulated by an estimate of the local sub-grid dissipation rate. The SKEB scheme was switched off with cycle 45r1 in early 2018. This was because it had become ineffective since ECMWF introduced the cubic octahedral grid, due to compatibility issues.
Prior to cycle 45R1
Problems with coupling of HRES and Dynamic Ocean Model prior to cycle 45R1.
Note: Coupling of HRES with the Dynamic Ocean Model was introduced in cycle 45r1 released in June 2018. Users should be aware when inspecting model data before release of this cycle that atmosphere/ocean coupling with the HRES was not in effect.
Upgraded Bathymetry in cycle 45r1
Upgraded bathymetry (water depth) is used the wave models in IFS Cycle 45r1(HRES-WAM and ENS-WAM). It is based on ETOPO1 (1/60 degree global data). NB: HRES-SAW withdrawn 7 Jan 2020.
This change was in part driven by users pointing out that the previous bathymetry for the Baltic Sea was quite erroneous in a few places. Changes in water depth will mostly affect the wave fields in coastal areas, generally resulting in higher wave heights where the water has become deeper and vice-versa. Moreover, some WAM grid points have changed from sea to land (i.e. no waves at those points), and vice versa. These locations are respectively shown in the right-hand portion of Fig12.2 above, with green and black shadings (you may need to zoom into the pictures). This change of land/sea points will be visible for some coastal locations in the Wave ENSgrams (Wavegrams) and for users relying exclusively on the wave model values at those locations.
Prior to cycle 46R1
Techniques to derive perturbations prior to cycle 46R1
Until cycle 46r1 we had less EDA members than ensemble forecast members (ENS members). Once the different sets of SVs had been separately calculated over the northern and southern hemispheres and over the tropics between 30°N and 30°S, they were linearly combined (using coefficients randomly sampled from a Gaussian distribution) and added to the EDA perturbations to make a set of 25 global perturbations. The signs of these 25 global perturbations were then reversed to obtain another set of 25 “mirrored” global perturbations. This gave a total of 50 global perturbations for 50 alternative analyses and forecasts. Consecutive members therefore had pair-wise anti-symmetric perturbations. The anti-symmetry may, depending on the synoptic situation and the distribution of the perturbations, disappear after one day or so, but can occasionally be noticed 3-4 days into the perturbed forecasts (see Fig5.3 and Fig5.4).
Fig5.1.2: Same as Fig5.1.1 but for 00UTC 15 August 2010. In this case the anti symmetry is still clearly seen 24 hours into the forecast, member 1 having the low deepened and displaced into a slightly more westerly position, member 2 having the low weakened and displaced into a slightly more easterly position.
Prior to cycle 47R1
Problems with CIN prior to cycle 47R1
Please note that weaknesses were discovered in 2019 in the computation method ECMWF uses for its Convective Inhibition field (CIN). Stored values are often too large, substantially so in some situations. These comments pertain to the diagnostic quantity only, and do not relate to the actual handling of convection within the model. Nonetheless forecasters need to be careful to not be misled into thinking convection cannot trigger when the truth is that triggering could happen. CIN (a standard MARS parameter) can be displayed in map form in ecCharts and is also a component of ecCharts vertical profile plots. It is also a diagnostic that is available from ERA-5.
The problem was rectified with the introduction of cycle 47R1 on 30 June 2020.
Integrated Forecasting System - IFS
Fig2.2: Exchange of physical quantities between the atmospheric, ocean wave and ocean models (before introduction of ice cover information to the wave model in 43R1 in 2018). All the Atmospheric models give to the Wave model information on air density, ice cover, and surface wind and gusts whilst the Wave model gives to Atmospheric models information on surface roughness (associated with the forecast waves). Additionally, for the ENS forecast only:
Prior to cycle 45r1 in June 2018 a remotely-generated sea ice cover analysis (OSTIA) was used directly in sea-ice atmosphere assimilation in the surface analyses of the HRES 4D-Var, and in the ensemble of data assimilations (EDA).
Large Scale Precipitation
With the introduction of changes in the modelling of physics processes in cycle 45r1 released in June 2018, previously anomalous forecasts of precipitation in coastal, exposed upslope and rainshadow areas have been significantly reduced. However greater activity is seen with higher precipitation rates in active regions (e.g. in the East Asian monsoon). Users inspecting model rainfall forecasts for data times before the release of cycle 45r1 should expect somewhat different behavioural characteristics.
EUROSIP - Multi-model Ensemble for Seasonal Products
In Seasonal forecasting the multi-model approach is commonly used to represent the large uncertainties associated with model errors. The multi-model approach works better when the models contributing have different kinds of errors. The EUROSIP multi-model system components include the ECMWF seasonal forecast ensemble and four other different ensemble forecasting systems (the UK, French, USA and Japanese systems).
Note: Products from the EUROSIP Multi-model Seasonal Forecasting System have been discontinued with effect from October 2019.
Additional Sources of Information
(Note: In older material there may be references to issues that have subsequently been addressed)
- Watch a comprehensive lecture on multi-model ensemble predictions on seasonal timescales.
Forecast error statistics for pre-existing tropical cyclones
Effects of resolution on tropical cyclone forecasts.