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Creation of S-M-Climate
The S-M-Climate is derived from a set of seasonal re-forecasts are created using using the same calendar start dates for each of the last 20 years for the same data time of the seasonal run itself. The re-forecast runs are at the same resolution as the seasonal run itself (currently 36km) and run over the 7 month or 13 month period of a seasonal forecast
These are used entirely for skill and reliability assessment, and verification maps are accordingly provided on the web.
Seasonal re-forecasts for verification
The set of re-forecasts is based on using the same calendar start date (the 1st of each month) as the seasonal run in question. Re-forecasts are created using the same calendar start dates during the 36 year period: Jan 1981 to Dec 2016. Currently, this is not updated.
These are used entirely for verification and assessment of skill.
Seasonal re-forecasts to construct the seasonal climate (S-M-climate)
The set of re-forecasts is based on using the same calendar start date (the 1st of each month) as the seasonal run in question. Re-forecasts are created using the same calendar start dates during the 24 year period: Jan 1993 to Dec 2016. Currently, this is not updated.