Meteorological Products
| Product name | Description (established over forecast horizon) | Outputs | Forecasting horizon | Forecast Model |
| Acc. Precip. Det. DWD | Accumulated rainfall (mm) over the entire forecast range (7 days) of the deterministic DWD forecast.
| Map | 7 days | DWD-DET (1) |
| Acc. Precip. Det. ECMWF | Accumulated rainfall (MM) over the entire forecast range (10 days) of the deterministic ECMWF forecast.
| Map | 10 days | ECMWF-DET (1) |
| COSMO Prob. Pr >150mm | Probability (%) of exceeding 150mm of accumulated rainfall over the entire forecast range (5 days) for COSMO-LEPS forecast. | Map Animated maps (3hourly total precipitation) | 5.5 days | COSMO (20) |
| COSMO Prob. Pr >50mm | Probability (%) of exceeding 50mm of accumulated rainfall over the entire forecast range (5 days) for COSMO-LEPS forecast. | MapAnimated maps (3hourly total precipitation) | 5.5 days | COSMO (20) |
| ECMWF-ENS Prob. Pr >150mm | Probability (%) of exceeding 150mm of accumulated rainfall over the entire forecast range (10 days) for ECMWF forecast. | MapAnimated maps (3hourly total precipitation) | 10 days | ECMWF-ENS (51) |
| ECMWF-ENS Prob. Pr >50mm | Probability (%) of exceeding 50mm of accumulated rainfall over the entire forecast range (10 days) for ECMWF forecast.
| MapAnimated maps (3hourly total precipitation) | 10 days | ECMWF-ENS (51) |