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Output from ECWAM
ECWAM is run as:
- ENS-WAM twice ?daily giving forecasts to Day15 associated with ensemble based on 00UTC and 12UTC data times. Global coverage 0.25o x 0.25o latitude-longitude grid (Ocean wave model ensemble 15-day forecast (Set IV ENS-WAM).
- Extended ENS-WAM daily giving extended forecasts from Day16 to Day46 associated with the extended range forecasts based on 00UTC data times. Global coverage 0.5o x 0.5o latitude-longitude grid (Atmospheric Model Ensemble extended forecast (Set VI - ENS extended), section VI-v-c).
- SEAS-WAM monthly for forecasts to 7 months ahead associated with the seasonal forecast model (System 5). Global coverage 1.0o x 1.0o latitude-longitude grid (Atmospheric model Seasonal 7-month forecast (Set V - SEAS), section V-v-e).
- SEAS-WAM quarterly for forecasts to 1 year ahead associated with the seasonal forecast model (System 5). Global coverage 1.0o x 1.0o latitude-longitude grid (Atmospheric model Seasonal 7-month forecast (Set V - SEAS), section V-v-e).
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