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Modelling lake and coastal water surfaces
Lake or shallow coastal waters are treated as a further HTESSEL tile within a grid box with its influence proportional to the coverage of water.
Lakes are plentiful in some areas (e.g. parts of Finland, Sweden, Canada, northwest part of Russia including , also Siberia). In a relatively few areas elsewhere lakes have a notable impact on a regional scale (e.g. Wales, Switzerland etcSwitzerland, Hungary (Lake Balaton), East Africa (Lake Victoria), Cambodia (Tonle Sap), Peru (Lake Titicaca) or similar). The extent and location of lakes is taken from a lake cover mask consistent with the land-sea mask.
Open Areas of open water surfaces have an important impact on the atmosphere - in particular:
Areas of open water They are strong local sources of moisture and are important for determining local and regional climates.
The fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum over a lake differ significantly from the surrounding land, mainly due to large differences in albedo, heat capacity, roughness, and energy exchange.
Cause They cause stabilisation or destabilisation of the temperature structure of the real and model atmosphere. The effects of a lake can provide:
- a cooling effect during spring and summer.
- a source of heat and moisture during autumn - this aids cloud formation and/or intensification of precipitation.
- weaker effects overall during effects overall during the ice covered period - though can be very significant locally.
- The presence or absence of lake ice:
- can drastically change the amount of snowfall downstream of lake areas.
- modifies heat fluxes from the lake - but heat flux through ice cover is nevertheless greater than for surrounding frozen land.
The fresh water lake model (FLake)
- more than 50% sea water cover then fluxes are dealt with by NEMO.
- more than 50% water cover, but the bodies of water are classed as lakes, then the HTESSEL 'tile' is "lakes and coastal waters" and fluxes are evaluated by FLake.
- less than 50% water cover, any sea that happens to be encapsulated is classed as a lake and the HTESSEL 'tile' is "lakes and coastal waters" and fluxes are evaluated by FLake (as if it were a salty water lake).
- the freshness or salinity of the water.
- the extent and mean depth. This very important as it gives information on the reservoir of potential capacity for heat storage.
- the bathymetry. FLake uses an assumed temperature profile with:
- a near-surface mixed layer (implies a uniform temperature).
- a thermocline (with upper boundary at the base of mixed layer, lower boundary at the lake bottom).
- the ice cover. FLake contains an ice model.
- (other parameters, such as base sediment, are scheduled to be incorporated in the future).
- Read more information on the background of FLake.
- Read more on the impact of lakes on the ECMWF surface scheme or on lakes in weather prediction or a discussion of the impact of interactive lakes in the IFS (pages 30-34).
- Read more in depth information on the contribution of lakes in predicting near-surface temperature in NWP.
- Another source Other sources of information on FLake (external to ECMWF) are at: -