- JMA (rjtd) => changed to simple packing since 0Z 2019-04-03
- ECCC (cwao) => changed to simple packing since 12Z 2019-07-03
- KMA (rksl) => changed to simple packing since 12Z 2019-07-09
DMI (ekmi)
U/V component sign problem Fixed from 12Z 2019-07-16 onwards
Occasionally there are negative peak wave period values mostly in a small region in the Arctic Ocean. It seems that in some edge cases the ice concentration is making troubles in the quadratic fit used to obtain the peak period.
BoM (ammc)
Negative Peak wave period values in some grid points (fixed on )
Because of an error in the grid conversion, the minima of Peak wave period could be occasionally wrong (negative up to -100). That issue affected the period Sep-Oct 2022.